Here, I have decided to make a central area for Armatar discussion. Just say anything you want about Armatars that isn't a)disregarding any usual rules b)spammy spam lol c)a spoiler about how you unlock certain Armatars d)anything else, that, under common sense, is inappropriate
So go ahead! 'Do you have a unique/rare Armatar' was locked as it had turned into a General Armatar Discussion! So now let's fill that purpose! ^-^
I haven't been here long enough to see any of the Seasonals for my own yet. Hopefully there are ones for some upcoming holiday. ;/
Ever since Carlie left, the seasonal armatars were gone.
I would like for in AG3 if we could have some sort of contest where we could draw our own Armatars and submit them to AG for others to use.
Or we can hold a thread for sharing armatars we've have made. And if AG sees some that are good they can submit it. And the leftovers, we can still use too. Right? Because we get to upload our own armatars/pics for our profile in AG3.
The person that did them was Carlie, an Administrator and she left because she married John.
She didn't leave because she married John. She was still here when she was married to John, but only as a part-time job. Cormyn said that she found a full-time job and that is why she left.
I hope as well that we will be seeing a return of the contests. It would be fun to take part in them or even just get the result of the work. =D Also, I hope all the current Armatars are migrated to the new site.
well youre to speak fire but i dunno im a dude but i seem attarcted to the female armatars i dont know why though XD but yea maybe we should be ableto upload a picture of ourself as armatar hu what do you guys think?