ForumsThe TavernLiving With Zombies

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The topic for this is, what would you do if you were living in a place almost completly over run by zombies? How do you think you would fare mentaly if you had to fight zombies off constantly, have not many survivors with you to keep you sane, and not having much sleep from having to watch for zombies?

  • 54 Replies
1,649 posts

You people have to read The Zombie Survival Guide. It covers every aspect of a zombie outbreak and what to do. If I had it with me I could put up some stuff about it. The main thing for being able to survive is always being prepared. You should stock up on food and train and practice with your weapons YEARS before any outbreak. You should always have a plan of action for any possibility, and practice that plan.

1,328 posts

Ok then, I read about half of what u posted here and here's my new idea, I become a underground farmer and grow every thing there that

i need to survive, I have some bullet proff windows looking sideways to whats around me and a giant bp glass dome which is easily accesable to by stairs so i could clean it incase some blood or something gets on it. The placement of the farm is near a underground lake that no one else has found yet and I have some pigs and cows for the more tasty meals.

you have it already? What if someone finds it? what about the air vents? what if it floods?
1,649 posts

That makes no sense. You can't just make up stuff like that. That kind of thing is pretty unrealistic.

If the whole world is overrun with zombies, what do you do?

Thaboss would first look for signs of the outbreak. Small zombie outbreaks all around the world signal the start of the zombie apocalypse. Thaboss would then take his small collection of weapons, (crowbar, machete, axe, firearms,) and then rent a boat and take that boat to a remote island that he already surveyed before because it was part of his plan. The island (he had to look at several islands) has everything he needs (he made sure of that) fruit trees, coconut trees, a freshwater stream, some wild game for hunting, ect... He already set up some shelters and things beforehand. He has a desalination apparatus (homemade) set up in case the fresh water runs dry. There are no major predators on the island, (too small) so nothing to worry about that. Plenty of fish in the water (it's a tropical island). Thaboss would probably have to live there for the rest of his life, too unsafe to go back and see if the zombies have died out. In the rare chance that a zombie washes up on the shore (zombies can't use boats!) he'd just kill it with the weapons he has, or if they are too old, just brain it with a rock or something. Always stay fit and avoid anything dangerous.

1,328 posts

That, is a Legit Plan.

1,328 posts

but there are some things you need to work out. like for example: if you dont leave at the right time then you could get fired for abandoning your house and the apocalypse never reaches you.

and second: how big is the island? it should be several km in size to support enought game. you should show me a google map of it.

(yeah, i know you might be thinking i just want to know so i can go there, but cmon, i could live several thousand miles from it for all we know.)

and then, you might want to take a few people with you just for sanity. no use in living if you are the only person in the world.

you should take a radio, some matches, and a sleeping bag.

Make a Bug Out Bag Too.

and what firearms do you have?

1,649 posts

Thanks! It was formulated from stuff thaboss learned from The Zombie Survival Guide.

anyone know what the definition of a zombie is? Like does it completly mimic the human? or does it just walk around somehow? Also who's to say it even has balance if it's just a reanimated corpse, so they could all just be crawling around because of that.

They are basically like humans exactly, except they use all their senses (except touch, the nerve endings are dead) equally, whereas humans depend mostly on sight. So they have great hearing, normal sight, amazing smell, taste doesn't really matter, they're dead. They can run if necessary, but unlike humans, (who can exercise and make their muscles stronger) every time the use their muscles, the muscles are weakened. They usually kinda shamble around. The only way to kill them is to kill the brain. That is where the virus which makes zombies, zombies, (Solanum, it's called) is controlling the body. They don't feel pain, so if someone shoots off their arms, or completely destroys all their internal organs housed in their chest, they will still come at them, albeit in a lopsided fashion.
1,649 posts

but there are some things you need to work out. like for example: if you dont leave at the right time then you could get fired for abandoning your house and the apocalypse never reaches you.

True, but then thaboss could just stay on the island, or move to a different country. (Many citizenships/passports, part of the plan.)

and second: how big is the island? it should be several km in size to support enought game. you should show me a google map of it.

Also true, (thaboss will use google earth though) and also, the island doesn't HAVE to have game, that was just an extra bonus.

and then, you might want to take a few people with you just for sanity. no use in living if you are the only person in the world.

Nah. What if we get into fights or something. I'm fine with living alone. Maybe bring one person that's just as prepared and hardy as me.

you should take a radio, some matches, and a sleeping bag.

Make a Bug Out Bag Too.

Yes! That was kind of but not really part of
He already set up some shelters and things beforehand

and what firearms do you have?

The guide says that AK-47s are very dependable and rugged. It also said that a simple hunting rifle (remember, this is only for if a couple zombies come) can work just as well, and helps you save bullets. (no spray-and-pray!) All you need is a headshot. Also, maybe a pistol or two, and ammunition. Clean and sharpen weapons whenever necessary, and practice with them sometimes. (No use having a rifle if you forget how to shoot it!)
1,649 posts

There are plenty of small islands around the world. It doesn't even have to be thousands of miles (or kilometers) away from shore. It could be 100, or even 10. It can be big or small, (but big would be better) but not too big so you can't reach and search all parts of it.

1,328 posts

Cool. i have no such plan. gawd i wish i was 20 so i could do all of this.

3,139 posts

and then, you might want to take a few people with you just for sanity. no use in living if you are the only person in the world.

Yes, other people would be needed for comfort and to secure them of course.
166 posts

I would get a lot of food and water then go on top of my roof with a ladder then kick it down so they couldn't get up. If any were actually smart enough to figure out how to get up, I would try to kick them off before they bite me :O

166 posts

I bet you would be able to use tap water for a while but after a year of non-maintence it will prolly stop working or water wont be clean.

After a YEAR? The military would have killed them all because they could just go into a helicopter and have a sniper shoot them out. Unless of course the zombies could fly :O lol
16,287 posts

After a YEAR? The military would have killed them all because they could just go into a helicopter and have a sniper shoot them out. Unless of course the zombies could fly :O lol

yeh he is right, unless zombies started on every military base with a plane/boat then we'd have their ***** beat seeing as they can't hurt our ships or planes and al we'd have to do is shell the heck out of them
1,328 posts

Well, helicopters need fuel. and the Adverege helicopter burns 1.5 gallons peer miniute. So you would need a machine gun mounted on the helicopter to do some real damage before you would have to go back to fuel up. And jets are only good for dropping rockets.

3,139 posts

I would get a lot of food and water then go on top of my roof with a ladder then kick it down so they couldn't get up. If any were actually smart enough to figure out how to get up, I would try to kick them off before they bite me :O

On top of your roof? What about the weather?
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