ForumsWEPRWhy do people think China will take over the world?

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166 posts

I really don't get how people think that China will take over the world... It's mostly Americans that think it which is the weird thing because the US has a higher GDP than any other Country in the world.
The US still has a bigger military surprisingly even with China having 1.3 billion people and the us having 370 million. I personally think that a country lacking enough food too feed its own people won't take over, but I want too hear your guys's opinions on it.

  • 74 Replies
5,129 posts

They need to make it so that you can edit a post or delete it!

100.000% agree. thats the biggest fail of this forum =P
154 posts

Before long China's economy will overtake the USA's. Once that happens the Chinese will probably demand payment from the US's debt to China. If we don't start balancing the budget now, when the time comes that China calls our tab, we won't have the money that we owe to give to them.

A default scenario. If the US isn't able to honor debts to China, the value of T Bills plummets as other debt holders scramble to sell of the toxic asset. Big banks, small banks, pension funds all take a huge hit. The US dollar is devalued, making products unaffordable to purchase and those on fixed income are screwed. Imagine $10 for a loaf of bread for fixed income seniors. The run-up of the debt was short-sighted and puts America in danger of financial ruin. After default, nations with surplus currency or gold reserves swoop in and buy up cheap American assets, and suddenly the USA is no longer independent.

This is a worst case scenario as I am sure China would rather earn dividends on their investment rather than force a default and take huge losses.
3,139 posts

Everyone is hating on China due to human rights. Really?

Like America is so innocent.

Some of the child labour in these countries are a result of American companies.

& just to make a dig at other human rights by American standards.
Just for the lulz.

They need to make it so that you can edit a post or delete it!

100.000% agree. thats the biggest fail of this forum =P

This will be implemented in AGv3.
154 posts

Here's an example of how the Chinese government exercises control over every day life in China:

By Tim Kenneally
Mon Aug 29, 2011 6:26pm EDT
LOS ANGELES ( - Lady Gaga and Katy Perry have once again found themselves at the top of a music chart. Unfortunately, this chart is for songs that the Chinese government has given the thumbs-down to, CNN reports.

Gaga and Perry both made the list of 100 songs that China's Culture of Ministry has ordered websites in that country to remove by September 15, lest they face punishment.

Gaga racked up a staggering six songs on the list, all from her most recent album "Born This Way." "The Edge of Glory," "Hair," "Marry the Night," "Americano," "Judas" and "Bloody Mary" were all included in the ministry's announcement. (The album's title track was included in an earlier list issued by the government; the ministry has issued three lists of banned foreign songs since it began regulating internet content two years ago.)

Perry placed twice in China's latest banned-songs collection, with "E.T." and "Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)."

Other notable entries on the ministry's litany of musical no-no's: Beyonce's "Run the World (Girls)," Britney Spears' "Burning Up," and the 1999 Backstreet Boys chestnut "I Want it That Way."

The crackdown applies to all websites, including personal sites.

According to the ministry, allowing the songs on its list to be shared and downloaded over the web has "endangered national cultural safety."

The tunes in question were chosen because they had not been registered with and reviewed by the ministry. According to ministry guidelines, all imported digital music needs to be translated into Chinese and submitted to the government before online distribution is permitted.

Imagine only being able to listen to music that passes through a government ministry? I mean should you feel the unexplainable need to listen to Lady Gaga, should that not be your right?
1,143 posts

Yes, but yours isn't. Can you honestly say that America doesn't violate any human rights?

No I can't but china does it on a much larger scale (proportionate to the population)
3,139 posts

Yeah but America is guilty of censorship too.

No I can't but china does it on a much larger scale (proportionate to the population)

Americas 312,104,000 versus Chinas 1,339,724,852? Of course China will have more cases of breaching human rights - there's a lot more humans there.
1,608 posts

Americas 312,104,000 versus Chinas 1,339,724,852? Of course China will have more cases of breaching human rights - there's a lot more humans there.

Just a few. But America and other Western countries are (I think) the main reason for child labor in China.
3,139 posts

Yeah, well they even do it on their home turf.

154 posts

Just a few. But America and other Western countries are (I think) the main reason for child labor in China.

EXACTLY. We in the west demand cheap consumer products. The Chinese supply that demand by using cheap labor. Without demand there would be no supply. Brings me back to microeconomics 101...
23 posts

I think the mentality that this thread is going after is that some people think the rising power of China will try what Japan tried after the Meiji restoration or what Germany attempted in WW2(and several other imperialist powers in history). My opinion on it is that at the present point in history it is impossible to say if China really wants that. I think it reflects a cold war mentality that revolves around the fact that China is communist by name but capitalist in nature.

5,129 posts

I mean should you feel the unexplainable need to listen to Lady Gaga, should that not be your right?

if it said that they were not alowed to listen to any american music then i agree whit you.
however banning some artists (if i understand it right it are only a 100 songs) isn't that bad. it's not like they can't live whitout the music of baby gaga. and it wont change evry day life in china at all.
5,129 posts

as for the rest of the comments why china is bad and america not.
i guess jeffrey toke care of that =) thx.

3,139 posts

if it said that they were not alowed to listen to any american music then i agree whit you.
however banning some artists (if i understand it right it are only a 100 songs) isn't that bad. it's not like they can't live whitout the music of baby gaga. and it wont change evry day life in china at all.

It's the principle behind it - they should be allowed to listen to what they want. If i came and snatched your mp3 player, deleted your top 100 favourite songs and told you that you were never allowed to listen to them again, i think you'd be peeved.

as for the rest of the comments why china is bad and america not.
i guess jeffrey toke care of that =) thx.

I wasn't arguing that China is bad and America is not. I was arguing that America is responsible for some of the reasons China is bad and that America is very corrupt all by itself.
154 posts

if it said that they were not alowed to listen to any american music then i agree whit you.
however banning some artists (if i understand it right it are only a 100 songs) isn't that bad. it's not like they can't live whitout the music of baby gaga. and it wont change evry day life in china at all.

See, this type of government control is exactly what both of my grandfathers went to war against (One shot down NAZI fighter planes, the other sank NAZI U Boats). I believe in freedom, and I am prepared to fight for it should the need arise. People who are willing to give up even a small portion of their freedom scare me, it leads to a steady erosion of our rights, very much like the introduction of the Patriot Act.

Any time the government tells you something is bad, or won't let you do something, demand to know WHY. Question everything your government says or does and hold them accountable. Yes, I realize the US is FAR from perfect, but more personal freedoms are afforded in the US than in China. Americans need to take back their freedom. I hope one day the People of China can be free as well.
3,139 posts

believe in freedom, and I am prepared to fight for it should the need arise. People who are willing to give up even a small portion of their freedom scare me, it leads to a steady erosion of our rights, very much like the introduction of the Patriot Act.

The problem with this lies within interpretation of freedom. We're entitled to the freedom of speech, but does that mean we can throw about racial and homophobic slurs? Nope.
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