ForumsWEPRWhy do people think China will take over the world?

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166 posts

I really don't get how people think that China will take over the world... It's mostly Americans that think it which is the weird thing because the US has a higher GDP than any other Country in the world.
The US still has a bigger military surprisingly even with China having 1.3 billion people and the us having 370 million. I personally think that a country lacking enough food too feed its own people won't take over, but I want too hear your guys's opinions on it.

  • 74 Replies
154 posts

How about the freedom to speak critically about the government? Not allowed in China. People who abuse the right to free speech are not a valid reason to rescind this right for all people.

The best way to silence homophobes and racists is to challenge them based on logic and reasoning. When they fail to validate their comment they are exposed for what they really are and can be ignored by society. The government does not need to get involved.

154 posts

I will add to my last post.

Hypothetical scenario: I post some random racist or homophobic crap, providing what looks like reasonable evidence to back me up.

I get blasted from all sides by other posters. My "evidence" is quickly picked apart as fallacy, I am mocked, ridiculed and shunned by the community of this board.

The board moderators pick up on my comments and due to numerous complaints about my racist/homophobic ways I am BANNED.

Do we need a law banning racist/homophobic speech? Does the government really need to be involved? It's easy to silence those with harmful views.

3,139 posts

The best way to silence homophobes and racists is to challenge them based on logic and reasoning. When they fail to validate their comment they are exposed for what they really are and can be ignored by society. The government does not need to get involved.

Really? Tell that to the Westboro Baptist Church.
3 posts

because they already own and make all the products in the world

154 posts

Really? Tell that to the Westboro Baptist Church.

Funny you mention this. I actually spent a great deal of time on an unnamed social media site having "discussions" with members of that church. I even went as far as to read the Bible sections that they constantly spout off about. I was actually threatened by an anonymous individual once. If I could have got more people on board with me, I really believe we could have silenced them. Trouble is, deep down, a lot of people carry a whole lot of hatred. If the rest of society could tune these people out, let them spew their garbage and look at themselves in a mirror they might decide to change. People have to WANT to change. If no one is listening to your message then you will either change your message or you shut up. Social media sites, mainstream media can help too, by refusing to give these groups a platform.
3,139 posts

because they already own and make all the products in the world

Well.. Not really.

Plus, America has wealthier companies.
3,139 posts

If I could have got more people on board with me, I really believe we could have silenced them. Trouble is, deep down, a lot of people carry a whole lot of hatred. If the rest of society could tune these people out, let them spew their garbage and look at themselves in a mirror they might decide to change. People have to WANT to change. If no one is listening to your message then you will either change your message or you shut up. Social media sites, mainstream media can help too, by refusing to give these groups a platform.

You might have silenced the trolls on the internet, yes. But silencing the actual organization? No. They're banned from entering the UK, yet still managed to spread their hate here. They've been sued countless times but still carry on with their disgusting protests. Sure, people feel hate, the leaders of the westboro baptist church breed it. People like you and i cannot calmly silence them.

Plus, we cannot ignore it. That would be denying our freedom, which is what we are fighting for, no?
5,129 posts

i think you'd be peeved

sure but it wont change my life.

I wasn't arguing that China is bad and America is not. I was arguing that America is responsible for some of the reasons China is bad and that America is very corrupt all by itself.

close enoufg.

People who are willing to give up even a small portion of their freedom scare me

your scared of gays that are in the usa military force?
they gave up their freedom of being gay (wich isn't even allowed in most usa states)
5,129 posts

if there is 100% freedom then there is 100% anarchy.
i like anarchy very much and love to practise it. but i do not want to live in a world thats 100% freedom and 100% anarchy.

3,139 posts

your scared of gays that are in the usa military force?
they gave up their freedom of being gay (wich isn't even allowed in most usa states)

Believe it or not, the American government did something good for once.

As of July 6, 2011, homosexuals are allowed to serve openly in the United States military by court order.[57] Legislation previously prohibited openly gay individuals from applying, but this policy was suspended following the court decision. Major steps have also been taken to overturn the legislative ban and full repeal is expected by the end of September 2011
5,129 posts

Believe it or not, the American government did something good for once

WOW!! =o
did their minds open for a second?
why didn't i see people singing the national anthem or shouting usa usa usa whit 100.000 people at the white house or in new york? because they have a bit more freedom now.

ow wait i know... it's about gays not about war.
1,036 posts

i like anarchy very much and love to practise it.

A system that's a system that isn't a system will crumble :P
But anarchy is ridiculous mainly because the rich will over power the poor and it will be back to being slaves for people. If your thinking of a government that's more equal then go to socialism.
Back to topic: China has no reason to attack anyone since it's the biggest exporter in the world! Except they might attack India it's biggest competitor.
3,139 posts

hina has no reason to attack anyone since it's the biggest exporter in the world! Except they might attack India it's biggest competitor.

They've got too much going for the to attack.
5,129 posts

that would probably throw off the whole system

no it wont. 1 china becomes a consuming country and a other country takes it's place as the producer. 2 china go's back to the ground material winning countrys (most unlikely) and some other country takes it's place as producer. or 3 china stays the producer and nothing changes
3,139 posts

I think the recession has worked in Chinas favour. I mean, the products they make (minus technology) is cheap to make for the most part, so they are still getting a huge profit when we're not getting an increased salary. It's working out pretty well for them in my opinion.

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