Ahem. You are spouting this why? Don't *bonk* me with your anti-religious views. Just as bad as bible bashing.
btw. "Religions aren't needed" is an anti religious statement.
You are nitpicking because you don't like my stance(s) or religion in general. I will demure my blunt opinion of that, but this is the last time I will converse with you about this.
I am not making any more posts in this thread conversing with MageGreyWolf.
This is still not going to play much if any influence on people and still totes one religion over others. There is no reason to have it any more than having any other religious tenants there.
Most religions play on guilt and fear as a motivation. Great authoritative slabs of doom would be thought provoking if seen though a discontented gaze, in my opinion.
It should be a metaphorical "understood 'you'", that not everyone would be effected drastically by it.
You didn't
need to point what I quoted out; just as you didn't
need to point out:
Just because someone doesn't have a religion doesn't mean they aren't going to be "grounded" nor does having a religion mean they will be
Nitpicking. Blah.
Sorry but laws like don't kill, don't steal existed way before Christianity.
Are you forgetting that theology of the Jews; that moses took the tablets of the Ten Commandments down from a specific mountain thousands of years before Christ was born.
Many historians use the Old Testament, or the original Jewish bible as a historical document. The Ten Commandments were one of the most cohesive and earliest forms of law in written history. Certainly not the earliest since other 'nations' existed before. Nonetheless a important part of history. It quite literally changed parts of the world.
but this is off topic isn't it..
"...I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between Church & State." -Thomas Jefferson
Yes it is about freedom of/from religion.
You are misunderstanding that statement you bolded.
"or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,"
He only means he intends the law and courts do not prohibit the practice of religion. That statement is literal and obvious. It says nothing about supporting the prohibiting of religion in any way.
Of course anything is subject to interpretation, but I believe it was literal.
Religions aren't needed for that we can base the laws not on whether it's moral or not, but whether it's beneficial to the society. This is where such laws come from rather then religion.
This is nitpicking, my opinion is my opinion and is not wrong. :/
Morals are the basis of society whether you like it or not in my opinion. Thinking, "killing someone is wrong" before thinking "don't do it, it's against the law" is having morals. People need these things to function in decision making. Many come from religions; accept that it's not a bad thing. You can learn from many beneficial concepts from religions regardless of whether or not you believe why you should 'learn' from them.
resistance for resistance sake is meaningless
ONE OF US <ok just kidding about the one of us thing lolz)
They don't have to be placed where the aren't visible, just off government property.
Nitpicking, how much must one clarify?
No more than choosing not to collect stamps is choosing a hobby.
I agree with the choosing part but not:
A religion is not comparable to a hobby.. It is a way of life. Please respect other peoples way of living when it doesn't contradict with the law.
Or did I misread your intention and just put words in your mouth?
Did you even make a post stating your views before dissecting others. I think not. What does that make you.
I wonder. imply, subtext, prior knowledge of Internet 'memes'
Next time don't display your views by targeting and nitpicking another persons post, please be respectful of another person's views. And make a post yourself explaining yours. Without quotes please, use your own words.
Thats mean I don't want to minimod you, but I'm sure if flagged your post would go unattended.
~sigh, or not I suppose..
Anywho I'm sorry, but I'm a little sensitive and got miffed at your targeted barrage at my post. I probably should have just ignored you especially considering what I just typed above.
Thats means I don't want to minimod you; but I'm not sure if flagged your post would get deleted..
so i'm gonna flag both yours and my posts and the op's post
e.g I want this
offensive thread locked. I'm never going into a argument about religion here again sheesh
don't care if my arm pts get to 0 ok I do care a bit I guess..points are fun..

This isn't a joke thread it's targeted nitpicking of the Jewish/Christian faith
I thought the 'forums' was better than that guess I was wrong. I'm really fricking pissed bliehshoe