In this spin-off of CtO, there is a lovely city called Lolcatia! Unfortunately, the previous villains of CtO are pissed off at Lolcatia for it's causing them to be killed by intrepid Objective Completers. So, they decided to level the city! Little do they know that the Objective Completers are ready to protect their city...
@Darkfire45: You can start producing or favorite suicide bomber failed textures! It just costs $2000 to start.
@sonicheroes95: We're getting a lot of hero units. I'll have to charge more...
Sniper has been hired! He'll usually attack enemies with HP before he attacks the normals. His attack does 1250 damage every 3 turns, with a 50% chance of a 5180 damage headshot. His critical chance is 10%, half the universal.
@CommanderDude7: You now control the bot! He can order robots around and is an expert marksman with most conventional weapons. Also, he has an electric power fist.
@ericthat1: $20,000 to start producing. We can't afford them...yet.
@bigfatkitty: The Sumos should stay at the base since they move so slow.
The YT Artist can be ranked up to comedy. Accept?
Haven't you learned by now that you produce the items instead of researching the tech? Lolcatia is a technical wonder, after all. However, you do successfully steal that $10000 from the bank and increase security to 50%.
@rick073: Well, the result of that fight was your death. While you did get away, you died after a facehugger you were carrying around got a nasty idea and infected you. They tried to operate, but they couldn't get the shield to turn off. So, they just threw you in a stasis bubble and launched you into the enemy base. You may get your wish after all...
@GeminiDelta: The result of that fight was your death. However, you were infected, and that wasn't a facehugger rick threw. You might come back later...
Since Rick ran off, the Blackawks have been disbanded. $3000 was collected in scrap.
The MBTs move into firing position and ready their cannons!
The Chaosmancers were too busy grieving to cast a spell.
Meow Meow slashes with his big-*** sword, killing 4 tanks!
@Darkfire45: Creeper production started! On your mark, they will run up to the tanks and blow up an many as possible! Producing at 2 per turn with no upper limit, they will destroy 1-5 units apiece or do 100-500 damage. And those are the Easy Mode stats.
What the hell? The only injury I could have suffered was severe burns from rick's flame ring. But...fine...*Poofs into a coffin and waits for someone to use a phoenix down on me*
I start training a normal soldier. I strap him to a device, and then I ask sonicheroes to let me reverse engineer the uber gun. I make a copy, but then I strap up all the power of the uber gun to the device the soldier is in. I flip a switch, and hope that the power will be transferred. Hopefully, the soldier will have epic power.