In this spin-off of CtO, there is a lovely city called Lolcatia! Unfortunately, the previous villains of CtO are pissed off at Lolcatia for it's causing them to be killed by intrepid Objective Completers. So, they decided to level the city! Little do they know that the Objective Completers are ready to protect their city...
Let's proceed with buying Premium-grade cat food. Also, invest some research into giant magnifying glasses that concentrate the sun's rays into deadly accurate beams of DEATH.
-.- that didnt go as i planned... i was planning for the drivers to be infested, killed, then the infestation spread to the other tanks, or that the xenos tear the tanks apart... i keep dropping facehuggers on the tanks.
I pull out a mah truste' pip-boy 3000, and loot all the tank wreckage fallout 3 style, you know, picking up random chess sets and wastelander wanderer clothes from it. After i have looted all the wreckage, i pawn it all off in Lolcatia.