For the Bartmaeus Trilogy, Stroud recently published The Ring of Solomon, it's a prequel to the series, I found it to be quite entertaining.
It was good.
I do miss Nathaniel, though. Considering it took me two and half book to not find him to be an annoying, whiny brat.
Tried reading that other book "Dragon's fire" or something like that, but... Neither in German or English... It has an interesting concept, but I don't like the characters.
Saga of Recluse
Might be something.
I wonder why some fantasy authors find it important to write 10+ books in their series... It always ends up with me noticing the series too late, and I won't be able to get the first ones.
Or, alternately, if they are imported for some odd reason*, that the bookstore discontinues the series before it is even half done.
This happens to me a lot. Take a break and go back to it later. You know that it will look great in the end.
It usually never works for me. I look at it, and then I have to either redraw or ignore it. Same thing goes for WoM stuff. I think I have rewritten the ending seven times now.
*Serious, Danish bookstores... I have four and a roleplaying store. The one with the steam punk erotics pretty much just has that. The other store in that chain doesn't seem to buy as much English in, but will still have the "OMG VAMPIRE" stuff.
The other two stores are in another chain, where on has almost no English paperbacks, once again sticking to the mainstream, while the other has a huge selection, but mainly in genres I have no interest for. I did get my Horror Movie Survival Guide there, though. As well as the Worst Case Scenario Survival Guide. Good place, but not particularly exciting.
Then there is the rp store. I rare buy stuff there because it is expensive as heck (possibly because they import from the US, where shipping will cost you more than the double of the price of your item), but they have started the same trend of "OMG VAMPIRE!". They do have a lot of other stuff there, most, if not all, is in English (since apparently Danish fantasy authors are crap), but since I am not very interested in the Warhammer universe, I am tired of high fantasy and the female leads in the contemporary stuff makes me want to choke on my hoodie... There isn't much left.
And this was a bit long for a foot note, and I doubt it was interesting to anyone.
I just like writing about books. And bookstores.
I wish one of them would hire me...