ForumsWEPRAsk a Christian!

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14 posts

Hey guys I saw posts that said ask an atheist, ask a muslim,ask a hindu,etc. but I didn't see one for Ask a Christian so I decided to start one. So like the topic says ask me something!

  • 42 Replies
1,328 posts

We need no "Ask a Christain" unless we want:

Ask a Roman Catholic
Ask a... (there are so many different beliefs for xhristains)

Use Christianity FTW instead.


14 posts

Well I get you but maybe someone just want to ask someone who has no denomination someone who is just christian you know someone who flows in the supernatural.

5,552 posts

Hey guys I saw posts that said ask an atheist, ask a muslim,ask a hindu,etc. but I didn't see one for Ask a Christian so I decided to start one

This doesn't surprise me. I for one thought it would be a good idea just to have a "Religion FAQ" thread stickied but no, everyone wanted to still keep the seperate ones...

And btw, Christianity FTW has been serving the same purpose as this thread for a long time, although admitedly not as much of late.
2,906 posts

why do you guys force your beliefs upon innocent people?

1,322 posts

why do you guys force your beliefs upon innocent people?

^that needs to read

why do some of you guys force your beliefs upon innocent people?

...because I have yet to do anything of the sort. I don't like speaking in absolute all encompassing terms. You're promoting an opinion that gets everyone in the frame of mind that we're all door to door bible pushers. I'm far too lazy for that.
102 posts

Do you ever doubt your beliefs? And when?

3,139 posts

I believe there was a thread specifically asking for no more "Ask A" threads.

& Christianity FTW is already in place.

But to answer:
Do you ever doubt your beliefs? And when?

Yes, briefly, when my life turns to sh*t. It turns to poop on the daily, but only when everything goes crazy to i begin to doubt my faith.

3,085 posts

How do you know which bits and how to interpret the Bible? I mean, you could take it entirely literally but there are lots of factual inaccuracies to contend with should you choose to do that, so how do you separate fact from metaphor from fiction/falsehood?

1,612 posts

It would seem impossible for us to have free will and for God to know the outcast of our actions (and therefore to be omniscient) at the same time. What is your answer to this problem?

8,256 posts

If another christian came by, not knowing you're a christian, and tells you that love is only found in god and that everything you're doing right now is ephemeral and ultimately of no value; how would you react?

3,085 posts

How do you feel about other denominations of Christianity? Do you think your denomination is the only 'right' way to salvation or are other denominations equally acceptable?

1,455 posts

Here's a question to all Christians: Do you believe Christianity absolutely/necessarily, as in it has been proven to you, or do you believe more agnostically, as in you think that it's possible that you're wrong but you still believe?

Follow-up question for the gnostic Christians (claiming to know that God exists): What is your evidence or reason for believing in a god? Personal experience, logical arguments, unreported findings of historical verification of the bible, etc?

And a follow-up for the agnostic Christians (not claiming to know that God exists): If you don't claim to know that your god exists, then what is your reason for belief? Paschal's Wager, lack of explanations for the world around us, etc?

I don't mean these as offensive, but I would be very interested to have these questions answered before beginning my actual discussion with Christians, so I know what direction I'm supposed to take. Thanks in advance.

3,139 posts

How do you know which bits and how to interpret the Bible? I mean, you could take it entirely literally but there are lots of factual inaccuracies to contend with should you choose to do that, so how do you separate fact from metaphor from fiction/falsehood?

I think they key to this is knowledge and with every religion, interpretation. I think taking the bible 100% literally is a bit extreme in our society. The bible was written in a different time, a lot has changed since then. I understand why a lot of Christians follow the Bible letter for letter - what i hate is when they cuss out Christians who don't. I separate fact/falsehood personally on straight up belief, morals and modern society. For example, i don't think i'll be condemned to an eternity in hell for being a lesbian, nor do i believe i have the right to own a slave. I do however think i shouldn't murder or steal.

It would seem impossible for us to have free will and for God to know the outcast of our actions (and therefore to be omniscient) at the same time. What is your answer to this problem?

I'll admit it's a tricky one to answer. I think God although omniscient gives us free will in hope we'll stick on the path he sees for us or change the bad path we've been led down.

If another christian came by, not knowing you're a christian, and tells you that love is only found in god and that everything you're doing right now is ephemeral and ultimately of no value; how would you react?

I'd personally throw a bible at them. Love is universal and not stuck to God. I love my family, i love my friends and i would love a lover. Sure, i'd love God but my love is not faithful to solely him.

How do you feel about other denominations of Christianity? Do you think your denomination is the only 'right' way to salvation or are other denominations equally acceptable?

In Northern Ireland Catholics and Protestants are raised to have a bigot view of each other - although this is actually a political feud masked behind religion. I think all other denominations of Christianity are equally acceptable. The foundation beliefs are all their, minus one or two - in reference to Protestants believing Mary was not a virgin. But i guess no one will truly know until the end of time, eh.

Here's a question to all Christians: Do you believe Christianity absolutely/necessarily, as in it has been proven to you, or do you believe more agnostically, as in you think that it's possible that you're wrong but you still believe?

The latter. I keep my mind open to other theories. I like to learn and although sometimes i do question my faith, i just believe. Once upon a time, i didn't. And i'd troll everyone in my Catholic school to try convince them God wasn't real, but times have changed.

And a follow-up for the agnostic Christians (not claiming to know that God exists): If you don't claim to know that your god exists, then what is your reason for belief? Paschal's Wager, lack of explanations for the world around us, etc?

I guess the fact i've studied my religion for as long as i can remember. But yeah i guess lack of explanations in the world, comfort, hope, and the typical 'i was brought up with it' response. The latter does not imply it was indoctrinated into me, no.
3,371 posts

Here's a question to all Christians: Do you believe Christianity absolutely/necessarily, as in it has been proven to you, or do you believe more agnostically, as in you think that it's possible that you're wrong but you still believe?

I don't belive god is compleatly nessisary, nor do I belive that I'm absoultly right and can't be wrong. I guess I'm agonist christan then, thanks :P.

And a follow-up for the agnostic Christians (not claiming to know that God exists): If you don't claim to know that your god exists, then what is your reason for belief? Paschal's Wager, lack of explanations for the world around us, etc?

I grew up with it and so far it's only done good for me. I belive in god and I see no reason not to. Not to say that if something bad realted to god happened to me I would automaticly denounce him. Just that a lot of good has come from it and I like it. I like the morals, and things like that. I like the hope and stuff. I know it's not evidence of his exsistence in anyway but that doesn't really matter.

I don't mean these as offensive, but I would be very interested to have these questions answered before beginning my actual discussion with Christians, so I know what direction I'm supposed to take. Thanks in advance.

No offense taken. And thank you for saying so. It's nice to know. Sometimes things can be interpreted in negative ways through the internet.
9,462 posts

I separate fact/falsehood personally on straight up belief, morals and modern society.

So basically your just picking and choosing what you like and don't like?
Showing 1-15 of 42