your arguing that marijuana must be available to be sold by anyone. so you got loads of marijuana in the open and not secured.
btw can't you find a other subject then that 1 line i said pages ago? do you realy think this 1 thing is the prime or only reason? that wold be stupid.
Isn't this a reason to make it legal?
i'm for it to make it legal if i was american. but as a dutch reading the ideas of americans about marijuana, makes me wonder if you realy understand what it is to have it legal. what problems it can give. and how you can be able to "fix" those problems. we have been working on those laws for over 20 year, and still making changes about evry year. we already walked upon problems because it's legal. (sure we also have alot problems not that other countrys do have, but we got others. (also partly caused because other countrys around us made it illegal))
and also as a dutch i don't want to lose the tourists it attracts =P but thats no reason in this topic, more something for on a dutch forum.
Your government is making it illegal for tourists to buy weed as far as I know :/
they try to. but sofar they couldn't. the "weedpass" did not get enoufg votes in the 2nd chamber.
the reason our government is doing that is because other goverments around us do not want us to sell it to people from other countrys. so we have to act that we are trying. but actualy we don't want it.
I certainly do. It very rarely causes lung cancer but that's pretty much the only downside. "The risk of lung cancer increased 8% (95% confidence interval (CI) 2-15) for each joint-yr of cannabis smoking, after adjustment for confounding variables including cigarette smoking, and 7% (95% CI 5-9) for each pack-yr of cigarette smoking, after adjustment for confounding variables including cannabis smoking. The highest tertile of cannabis use was associated with an increased risk of lung cancer (relative risk 5.7 (95% CI 1.5-21.6)), after adjustment for confounding variables including cigarette smoking. In conclusion, the results of the present study indicate that long-term cannabis use increases the risk of lung cancer in young adults." "PURPOSE: To estimate and compare prevalence rates of lifetime health conditions by inferred duration of illicit drug use among the general U.S. adult population and to investigate associations between duration of use of each specific illicit drug (marijuana, cocaine, heroin, hallucinogens, or inhalant) and each lifetime health condition after controlling for potential confounding factors."
"RESULTS: The prevalence rates of a broad range of health conditions by duration of use of specific illicit drug among persons 35 to 49 years of age in the United States were estimated and compared. After adjustment for potential confounding factors, the results of 20 multivariate logistic regression models indicated positive associations between duration of marijuana use and anxiety, depression, sexually transmitted disease (STD), bronchitis, and lung cancer; between duration of cocaine use and anxiety and pancreatitis; between duration of heroin use and anxiety, hepatitis, and tuberculosis; between duration of hallucinogen use and tinnitus and STD; and between duration of inhalant use and anxiety, depression, HIV/AIDS, STD, tuberculosis, bronchitis, asthma, sinusitis, and tinnitus."
It is stupid once it's no longer medical, the reason why it's stupid is there is no other use for marijuana other than getting high, why do you want everyone getting high? What would your reason be for legalizing it?
What's your reason for saying it should be illegal? "it's stupid" isn't what I would considering a good reason. As has been pointed out prohibition has been shown to be a huge failure and trying to fight a "drug war" is only costing money when we could instead gain money from selling pot and other illicit substances to those who want it. Further more such a law is only regulating morality and telling someone they can make such a persona choice to do these things. So there are also issues of freedom here as well. The money gained could be used to educate people so they can at the very least make such a decision with accurate information. Yes I agree it's stupid to use recreationally, I think it's stupid to smoke cigarettes as well. So long as someone isn't smoking in a manner where I'm being effected let them.
if smoking and alcholol are legal..why not marijuhana should be legal..iff someone wants to get high why someone trying to limit this.. right is a people behaviour which doesnt limit other people s rights ..
if smoking and alcholol are legal..why not marijuhana should be legal..iff someone wants to get high why someone trying to limit this.. right is a people behaviour which doesn't limit other people s rights ..
Because marijuana usage can result in limiting other people's rights. Other people would have to pay (through taxes) from some problems stemming from marijuana usage, such as the restricting it from adolescents and kids, stoned-driving, regulation, crimes while under the influence, crimes to acquire marijuana, etc.
Eh, I don't think it should be legal. Of course I'm not a fan of alcohol or cigs either. I think all that crap should be banned. Of course most of your food products are worse than those things. I mean if stupid people stop feeding cows corn, E-coli would drop 75+%
Because marijuana usage can result in limiting other people's rights. Other people would have to pay (through taxes) from some problems stemming from marijuana usage, such as the restricting it from adolescents and kids, stoned-driving, regulation, crimes while under the influence, crimes to acquire marijuana, etc.
We already pay for all that and more so that no one can have it, except the medical marijuana in some states. Making marijuana legal doesn't limit anyone's rights, in fact it gives more rights to everyone above 18 or 21 or whatever the age would be.
look at holland, look at there crime rates go down ever since they legalized marijuana. i look at it like prohibition there are so many drug gangs and marujuana sellers they are causing more dammage to people than if it was legal, think about it goverment could make alote of money by taxing it and they could invest in educating people so they dont want to take it.
"Because marijuana usage can result in limiting other people's rights. Other people would have to pay (through taxes) from some problems stemming from marijuana usage, such as the restricting it from adolescents and kids, stoned-driving, regulation, crimes while under the influence, crimes to acquire marijuana, etc."
We currently spend around 1 billion dollars a year just to keep people in jail due to marijuana related crimes. Link
Here is an infographic showing how much money could be made if marijuana was to be made legal. Link2
Making any drug legal would wreck society, kids will be doing it on the streets, their education would be ruined, they will end up wasting their lives and live in the dumps. Quite simply it would cause a LOT of problems for the government.
Making it legal with restrictions... It would get rid of a lot of drug dealing because most people don't want to get into harder drugs, they just want to get loose after working.