ForumsWEPRSo how 'bout that Marijuana? Do you think it should be legal?

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12 posts

I certainly do. It very rarely causes lung cancer but that's pretty much the only downside.

  • 187 Replies
9,439 posts

I dont really care if it is legalized in the U.S. I live in the U.K.

It's illegal there too. Should it be legalized there?
1,824 posts

Bit off topic here, but have you ever seen someone who took horse tranquilizer? They stand in one place, oblivious to everyone, and act as though they're stuck in a hole, and are trying to climb out.

But as for the Marijuana, don't legalize it! It's a drug! I mean, why die? Why kill thyself for what, a good feeling? One that doesn't even last?

9,821 posts

I say legalize all illegal drugs. There's no reason for the government to waste billions of dollars combating an invincible enemy and unintentionally fueling the drug cartels in Mexico which have killed so many people now that legalizing them would probably save lives. It's not the government's job to protect people from making bad decisions, and it's certainly not the government's job to fuel the existence of military organizations that're more dangerous than the bad decision said government is protecting the people from in the first place!

5,043 posts

But as for the Marijuana, don't legalize it! It's a drug! I mean, why die? Why kill thyself for what, a good feeling? One that doesn't even last?

Let's assume for a moment that marijuana did have great potential to decrease one's life in the same way cigarettes do. Even IF people knew they were hurting themselves by smoking marijuana, should the government step in? No. We should be free to live our lives by making our own decisions and accepting the consequences that occur due to those decisions we have made.

If a study said that playing video games decreased one's life span, would you advocate that the government bans video games?

Of course, there is currently no evidence that marijuana shortens one's lifespan. But even if there was one, the government shouldn't tell you if you can or can not shorten your own lifespan.
1,344 posts

don't legalize it! It's a drug!

If you go by that logic, then what's medicine?
58 posts

It shouldnt be illegal it causes addiction. Do you know how many crimes committed are drug based hundreds of thousands and thats not counting the illegal purchases, sells, and use of drugs. Making marijuana legal would probably increase the crime rate 10 fold. There are a lot of drug related homicides, and robberies. It can lead to a lot of negative effects. Cigarettes and alcohol are considered drugs (so is caffeine). A definition of drugs is ,A chemical substance, such as a narcotic or hallucinogen, that affects the central nervous system, causing changes in behavior and often addiction. Not to mention a whole slew of health issues caused by marijuana. Didn't they try to legalize marijuana in California a year ago that failed. If marijuana is made legal it would cause an increase in underage users of it this hypothetical. Look at all the underage drinkers and smokers. So yeah marijuana should NEVER be legalized.

9,439 posts

Slightly off topic, but I heard somewhere that the reason narcotics/hallucinogens were banned in the first place was because a long time ago people claimed to be seeing God. The church was worried that people would stop going to church if they could simply smoke a plant. They didn't want to lose their followers so they used their influence over the government to make laws against the plants and basically hunted users.

don't legalize it! It's a drug!

So is penicilin.

Making marijuana legal would probably increase the crime rate 10 fold. There are a lot of drug related homicides, and robberies.

How would they increase? In the case of drug trades/smuggling/violence, it's similar to alcohol during prohibition. When it became legal, the smuggling and fighting basically stopped.
5,043 posts

It shouldnt be illegal it causes addiction.

So does the internet. Coffee too. Do you have any idea how many hours I've wasted on Call of Duty? And don't get me started on porn.

Do you know how many crimes committed are drug based hundreds of thousands and thats not counting the illegal purchases, sells, and use of drugs.

You know, if it wasn't illegal to purchase, sell, and use drugs, then you wouldn't be able to include them in your list of illegal activities associated with drugs.

That's like banning masturbation and telling people that masturbation is illegal because since masturbation was outlawed, thousands of people broke the law by masturbating, which is why masturbation should be illegal. It's also like punching a baby in the face and yelling at it saying that it deserved to be punched in the face because it was punched in the face.

Making marijuana legal would probably increase the crime rate 10 fold.

Go on...

There are a lot of drug related homicides, and robberies. It can lead to a lot of negative effects.

Yes... I'm listening...

Cigarettes and alcohol are considered drugs (so is caffeine).

I have a confession. I ***** a kitten. I didn't mean to, it's just that at the time I was on coffee. OH GAWD I'M A MONSTER. NO, I'm not a monster, FOLGERS IS THE MONSTER! It's because of the caffeine in their coffee I decided to slap old ladies with leather whips, roundhouse kick children in the faces, and throw puppies down wells to fetch me leprechaun gold.

A definition of drugs is ,A chemical substance, such as a narcotic or hallucinogen, that affects the central nervous system, causing changes in behavior and often addiction.

1 â â[druhg] Show IPA noun, verb, drugged, drug·ging.
Pharmacology . a chemical substance used in the treatment, cure, prevention, or diagnosis of disease or used to otherwise enhance physical or mental well-being.
(in federal law)
any substance recognized in the official pharmacopoeia or formulary of the nation.
any substance intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease in humans or other animals.
any article, other than food, intended to affect the structure or any function of the body of humans or other animals.
any substance intended for use as a component of such a drug, but not a device or a part of a device.
a habit-forming medicinal or illicit substance, especially a narcotic.
chemical substances prepared and sold as pharmaceutical items, either by prescription or over the counter.
personal hygienic items sold in a drugstore, as toothpaste, mouthwash, etc.
Obsolete . any ingredient used in chemistry, pharmacy, dyeing, or the like.
verb (used with object)
to administer a medicinal drug to.
to stupefy or poison with a drug.
to mix (food or drink) with a drug, especially a stupefying, narcotic, or poisonous drug.
to administer anything nauseous to.

Not to mention a whole slew of health issues caused by marijuana.

Yeah! Everyone knows marijuana causes... uhh... that marijuana kills... err... HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE! *wait, so does sugar and salt*... uhhh..

Oh, now I remember, smoking marijuana makes your p3nis explode, causing blood to rapidly spill out you groin embarrassing you in front of all you classmates as they call you "Billy the period boy wonder".

Didn't they try to legalize marijuana in California a year ago that failed.

More people would have voted if their p3nises didn't explode, causing them to miss the ballot.

If marijuana is made legal it would cause an increase in underage users of it this hypothetical.

Yeah, if marijuana was illegal, then nobody would smoke it!

Look at all the underage drinkers and smokers. So yeah marijuana should NEVER be legalized.

This is why alcohol and cigarettes should be outlawed, so nobody does them. Marijuana is outlawed and nobody smokes marijuana!
1,714 posts

I mean, why die? Why kill thyself for what, a good feeling?

Too bad marijuana doesn't kill people.

Making marijuana legal would probably increase the crime rate 10 fold.

In areas where marijuana laws are loosened the crime rate goes down.

Not to mention a whole slew of health issues caused by marijuana.

The ones that occur from long term heavy use or the short term ones that only effect like 1% of the population?

If marijuana is made legal it would cause an increase in underage users of it

I would bet most young people smoke it because its illegal/cool. If its legal and regulated it would lose that.
9,462 posts

Do you know how many crimes committed are drug based hundreds of thousands and thats not counting the illegal purchases, sells, and use of drugs.

Making marijuana legal would probably increase the crime rate 10 fold.

Going back to when alcohol was illegal we had many crimes committed that not counting the illegal purchase, sales and use of it. When prohibition was lifted many of those crimes disappeared or became far less prevalent. So with the legalization of drugs we would likely see a similar result.
14 posts

definitely shout be, use to be legal with green cards where i live and people are so relaxed about, and if we taxed it and made it for recreational use and not on job i think it would be great and also amazing amount of money from taxes and if the government grew it in mass quantities it could out do street prices, and anyone that disagrees 1.have you ever used marijuana and seen how much you can do on it? and 2. it is so more controllable then alcohol

1,810 posts

Amen!!!! Kitty you totally nailed it! With the economy so bad the tax money alone would be helpful. It amazes me how so many people blow there money on cigarettes every year. Imagine the money that would come out of legalized (and heavily taxed) marijuana.

4,206 posts

Why is this even a debate? There is no real argument against it, but personal beliefs, which are bs to begin with.

4,375 posts

Drugs are stuff.

That's all they are is stuff. Like porn, or books, or mice, or's just stuff.

Stop acting for a second, that you actually care about other people. Because it's easy to say "Nope, marijuana can't be legalized, kids will do it!" Well, sure, they will, and they already do.

But lets put that aside. People act like they have the best interest of the world in mind when they debate, but really, they just want there views forced upon every one else. The fact that people will do it doesn't affect you at all. I smoke pot, and your life is no worse off for it. In fact, most people don't even know I smoke, because it doesn't affect them in anyway.

what is this nonsense about crime rate increasing if drugs where made legal? Do I have to spell this out again?

Marijuana is illegal = fact

possession, growth, use, and distribution of marijuana is all illegal. So yea, crime rate is huge! and yea, lots of killings, blah blah, blah blah, blah.

IF it where legal, you sell it in a store. It takes the danger out of it. Drug dealers kill so many people because if you act suspicious, because your nervous of breaking the law, and they think your a cop, they don't want to go to jail either.

I can not think of one way that crime rate would go up. Someone please give me detailed examples.

The deficit

Does anyone want to guess how much debt the united states is in? Sure, marijuana might help with that, but taxing it will just make people grow it them selves. You can tax to a point, but the point you can tax to won't get us out of debt.

For example, right now, if one pound of marijuana is $5. (It's not....not even close) Stores start selling a pound for $20.

Why wouldn't I just go buy off my dealer again? He has no worries about getting arrested now, and neither do I. So taxing, is not the answer.

2,911 posts

I can not think of one way that crime rate would go up. Someone please give me detailed examples

Unless everyone starts robbing the stores that sells the weed, crime rate can only go down.
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