ForumsWEPRMy Issue With Religion

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Is religion really that important? If someone is not the same religion as you, should you call them out, reject them, and/or shove yours down their throat. Religion should no be a deciding factor. Yes, you can have your own religion, I don't have a problem with that. What I have a problem with is religious bias, discrimination, and pushing your religion o others when they are truley happy with their own. I find it disgusting when people get so overworked about someone not being a certain religion. Who cares? Does it make them a bad person? No. It makes them themselves. That is about all I have to say for now.

  • 35 Replies
2,301 posts

Oh, great, this again. This LOOKS like a religion thread, but it's actually an attempt to draw the line between &quotreaching to the choir" and "circle jerk". Off topic time:

What's that? You want to force them? Well, now you're just an *** no one wants to listen to instead.
Uh, no. People don't want to listen to you if you're bad at communicating your ideas. It has nothing to do with "how far" you go with your ideas and everything to do with timing and rhetoric.

But the meat of the issue. Trying to get other people to believe what you believe regardless of their own opinions. That's... not a bad thing at all. It's not wrong to, say, try to convince someone that all races are equal, or that women deserve rights too. It's not bad to try to convince someone to give to charity or to eat locally. It can be annoying, but it isn't bad. In fact, not only is it often good, it is often the only good we are capable of doing.

"Forcing" others to think like you isn't evil. It's conflict resolution. Actually, that's another thing. It's convincing, not forcing. Yes, even when they're pushy.

Summary: Deal with it.
5,340 posts

there is a difference since the examples you gave are actually physical and are obviously visible. doing the same with religion means convincing you to believe in something that cant be proven. and since there are many different religions there is no reason in believe in the one that person is trying to convince you to believe in.

2,301 posts

there is a difference since the examples you gave are actually physical and are obviously visible.
What? There is no evidence supporting the claim that any race, gender, or group should be treated equally. You can't prove a value. Reason is applicable, but it must be based on, and only on, our convictions.

Then again, that applies to any issue.
5,340 posts

being treated equally is a subjective matter that changes with each person. religion isnt. they try to convince you to believe that something is a fact. how you should treat others is your opinion but religion is not an opinion its a belief.

3,896 posts

Well personally I don't discriminate because of someone's religion. I don't even ask because it doesn't matter how you worship or if you do. It shouldn't affect how you are treated.

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