This website has a very respecable community, and I enjoy that. I'm a Christian myself, and I seem to get flamed a lot on other forums. Hopefully it's not as bad here!
Religion isn't really mentioned in any sub forum but the WEPR, and only in the threads about it really. Just know that if you do decide to post on threads about religion, you have to defend your side/claims, it's a debate forum after all.
Rained for 40 days and 40 nights, then it dried up for 150 days.
1) If there was enough water to cover the entire surface of the earth, where is it all now?
2) In order for it to rain continuously for 40 days, all that water would have to be in the sky before hand. You can't have that much water in the sky at one time.
3) Species diversity is far too great for there to haven been an extinction of all the animals not listed.
4) There is no way that Noah and his family and their families and 2 of each kind of animal listed could have fit on a boat that size, much less have had enough food for 40 days.
Rained for 40 days and 40 nights, then it dried up for 150 days.
That doesn't make sense, because you can't tell us where it went. it couldn't have just dried up. The water vapor had to go somewhere. And it had to come from somewhere.
God has his awesome little magic. Plus, he shows love and compassion towards all. Hm, all humans are unique and different. Plus, this feels like LA class when I type this.
Humans are an intelligent species. We gotta go somewhere when we do die, whether we are good or bad.
Your right, matter can not be created or destroyed, so you are typically "go" into a hole in the ground, eventually being decomposed and such. However I don't see what intelligence has to do with that...
Oh. You mean that part of us that doesn't exist has to go some where? What makes you think that?