This website has a very respecable community, and I enjoy that. I'm a Christian myself, and I seem to get flamed a lot on other forums. Hopefully it's not as bad here!
I just wish the whole world could get already got flooded once.
if the whole world was floaded then how come they discovered a mayor advanced egyptian society later on in the book? all those people should have died during the fload. (or atleast some big impact)
people should not be on war or separated by religions each one keeps its religion and live happy as who we are believe it or not Blessed Pope John Paul II had a best friend like all the humans here and believe it or not his best friend was jewish and that didnt separate them, they were really united
people should not be on war or separated by religions each one keeps its religion and live happy
That would be great, if religion was something as simple as "Favorite football team". It, however, is not and effects the world in many, mostly negative, forms.
Blessed Pope John Paul II had a best friend like all the humans here and believe it or not his best friend was jewish and that didnt separate them, they were really united
Giving us an example from your religion(?) in order to tell us to be religiously sensitive? Sure, I have friends who are Christian, but religion is something that should be acknowledged as an issue and debated, as it is.
i believe thats why you are atheist isnt it? You like to stay outside of the battle (trying to find peace between different religions)
No, actually I am more of actively looking for the downfall for all religion. A little bit different.
My example was of my religion because thats the only one that came to my mind since i read a book about Pope John Paul II.
I also like how the pope's name was capitalized while the anonymous Jew was left in lower case. Really puts forth that feeling of equality between them.
I also like how the pope's name was capitalized while the anonymous Jew was left in lower case. Really puts forth that feeling of equality between them.
ok 314d1 I really didnt remembered the name but i can google it though Jerzy Kluger is his name. Karol's best friend.
No, actually I am more of actively looking for the downfall for all religion. A little bit different.
Religion unites and divides. It gives us something to believe in, something we feel is better or greater. It's also a great excuse the decapitate, maim, torture, shoot, burn, impale, boil, eat, and kill our fellow man.
Other animals kill for food, for protection, and so on, but not us humans, no. We kill for fun.
Please remember that religion is control. If you actually need religion to maintain a healthy ethical background and moral compass, you may wish to reevaluate yourself. Ask yourself, and answer honestly, are you a sociopath?
Depending on what you mean, either religion, or for killing millions of people, oppressing much more, suppressing science, discrimination, and general evil it has brought.
Religion unites and divides. It gives us something to believe in, something we feel is better or greater. It's also a great excuse the decapitate, maim, torture, shoot, burn, impale, boil, eat, and kill our fellow man.
I thought agnostics were the ones that, knew God existed but they didnt pay attention to him.
You are off on so many levels. An agnostic is a person who doesn't believe or disbelieve in a god or gods, but would accept it if it was proven or disproven definitely. Of course, that'll never happen. You can't prove or disprove a god or gods. They only time we'll know is when we're dead, and if we're dead we can't exactly tell the tale.
An apatheist doesn't give a flying hockey puck either way.