Today is the day God finished making the earth, but also I dont go to church but I am in the Boy Scouts and I went to "a church" and I sold popcorn to help my troop. I made $80.00 You tell me what you did today or what you like to do on Sundays...
To be pelted with stones until death. It is an early, primitive form of the death penalty.
ahhhh now i relate ok thanks...
question though 314d1 how do you know many passages of the Bible if you declare yourself as atheist maybe you were jewish or christian? or you read it just to know about it
question though 314d1 how do you know many passages of the Bible if you declare yourself as atheist maybe you were jewish or christian? or you read it just to know about it
I am an atheist. I used to be Christian. And I have an online Bible, for atheists.
ummm anyway whats the difference between an Atheist Bible and a Christian Bible?
Mine is annotated, basically it highlights every part of the KJV where something bad happens (Or something particularly good, but there is few of those).
question though 314d1 how do you know many passages of the Bible if you declare yourself as atheist maybe you were jewish or christian? or you read it just to know about it
The majority of Atheists know more about the bible then the majority of the Christians.
Btw, try pointy rocks, they kill quicker then simply being bashed by flat rocks.
Mine is annotated, basically it highlights every part of the KJV where something bad happens (Or something particularly good, but there is few of those).
what do you mean with bad?
Btw, try pointy rocks, they kill quicker then simply being bashed by flat rocks.
but what trying to find absurd things on the Bible?
I'm not sure what that sentience meant. But it is really easy finding absurd things in the Bible. How about talking donkeys? Necromancy? Magic Egyptian staffs? Just off the top of my head.