Today is the day God finished making the earth, but also I dont go to church but I am in the Boy Scouts and I went to "a church" and I sold popcorn to help my troop. I made $80.00 You tell me what you did today or what you like to do on Sundays...
I mean if your bible tries to makes see people that there are absurd things on the Bible.
....English isn't your first language? It has the passages in categories, such as the talking donkey being in the absurdity category, or the stoning for working on the sabbath in the injustice category. I still can't understand what you are saying.
It means bull****. You can't really tell me that the earth was created in 7 days 10'000 years ago. That's just ridiculous.
its a metaphoric way of saying many millions of years, its a vast word, just like saying tomorrow, "Maybe tomorrow religions will be in peace" but tomorrow could mean 1 year,1 decade , 1 century, etc.
It would be fantastic if any and all debate between Christianity could go here, while keeping the "What did you do on the Sabbath" discussion stays. It would be excellent if that was possible. Since debating here is just reflecting the original thread link up top, I cannot see how this can stay open, unless we keep it original (by discussing what the OP had in mind).