Today is the day God finished making the earth, but also I dont go to church but I am in the Boy Scouts and I went to "a church" and I sold popcorn to help my troop. I made $80.00 You tell me what you did today or what you like to do on Sundays...
my religion Seience. My god(s): steven Hawking, albert einstein, Sir. isaac newton,Galileo Galilei, and even Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci. ( notice how i went farther back in time)
I believe in God, but if people believes in Islam, they call Alah there God, they do right. So if you mean the christ God. I will say this: God is cool.
Even if I'm going off-topic again: Austrian man wins right to wear pasta strainer in license photo
well you can see now what does a religions does on people sometimes
I cured my hangover did some work for college.
Sounds interesting hangover? which you got by?
I believe in God, but if people believes in Islam, they call Alah there God, they do right. So if you mean the christ God. I will say this: God is cool.
well you can see now what does a religions does on people sometimes
Pastafarinism isn't a real religion. He just wanted to state that religious people are granted special rights which isn't really fair. It's a form of protest.
Sounds interesting hangover? which you got by?
It was the birthday of a friend of mine. It was pretty funny