They have been going on for 4-5 days now and I just now heard about this and what's going on. I hope Wall Street does something or there will be a massive protest there probably as bad as the French Revolution just not as extreme.
ok so do you want us to comment on the protest or something im going t guess that what you want so iread somewhere that over 700 people were arrested im not sure if they're being violent or not but its been going on for over 4-5 days i think its been like 2 weeks
A protest as bad as the French angry farmer/civilians are going to break into an armory/gun shop and lay waste to Wall Street? Actually, being on the west coast that would be interesting to see. yes hundreds have been arrested but comparing it to a regime change is a bit extreme. :P But i am with Peter. Do we comment on the protests or post about what wall street can do to fix the situation?
Anyway, it seems to me that this is a justified response to the crazy of Wall Street, though it probably won't work. Your best option in this case would be to use the political power provided by the Constitution and murder business interests in government with it, but that is highly unlikely.
from what I can tell, career politicians won't allow regular people to use the constitution as a way to forward their needs. if they did, then there would be no use for politicians, and they would lose their jobs.
at the moment, this seems to be their best option, until they can get some political action done.
This is what TheAmazingAtheist had to say. He show some police corruption going on with these arrests and how the bankers are reacting to this.
This is what TheAmazingAtheist had to say. He show some police corruption going on with these arrests and how the bankers are reacting to this.
More on the pepper spraying of the two girls for no reason.
that is not what they protest against right? that happend after it already started. it's a different case in my eyes wich probably needs it's own topic.
(i will post about the other videos aswell latter. these links don't seem to open in a new tab-sheet. =( )
lots of office work. xD arn't the cops alowed to arrest someone whitout charges and keep them for max 24 hours?
Occupy Seattle/Occupy Wall St. (10-2-2011)
most intresting guy is the 1 whit the red beard. going in his point of view i guess he just wants more money. aka the rich gotta give heir money away to other people until evry1 got the same amount.
Police Mace Peaceful Female FOR NO REASON on Occupy Wall Street Protesters
video has been removed.
This is what TheAmazingAtheist had to say.
as usual the amazingatheist speaks sens. especialy the last part. our society is simply f*cked up. the rich people say the same as the protesters. **** you!
New York Observer Exclusive Occupy Wall Street Unaired Fox News
are you sure that is real? the camera doesn't look very professional. shocking and and filming interviewer from behind =S
arn't the cops alowed to arrest someone whitout charges and keep them for max 24 hours?
No. That is illegal and violates due process which is outlined in the 5th amendment.
that is not what they protest against right? that happend after it already started. it's a different case in my eyes wich probably needs it's own topic.
Well, considering that it happened during the protests, and this is a thread about the protests, I think there would just be a duplicate thread. Anyways, hopefully the cops responsible are charged (not likely) get convicted (highly unlikely), and serve jail time (near impossible).
that is not what they protest against right? that happend after it already started. it's a different case in my eyes wich probably needs it's own topic.
Yeah it happened during the protests, but I would think it is a symptom of the problem they are protesting.
video has been removed.
It was up when I posted it. It showed about as much as TheAmazingAthiest's showed, it just got into a bit more discussion on the pepper spraying.
are you sure that is real? the camera doesn't look very professional. shocking and and filming interviewer from behind =S
No I'm not entirely, it could have been staged at the protest.
I go to school in NYC, and somehow i haven't heard anything about this until a few days ago.
Mainstream media only took notice after the Pepper spray incident.