ForumsWEPRNew York Wall Street Protest

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1,036 posts

They have been going on for 4-5 days now and I just now heard about this and what's going on. I hope Wall Street does something or there will be a massive protest there probably as bad as the French Revolution just not as extreme.

  • 83 Replies
9,462 posts

brutal and useless police work is something for the government. wall street has nothing to do whit that.

Part of it is political, they are protesting how the government has been giving these people a free ride to screw people over.
1,627 posts

Part of it is political, they are protesting how the government has been giving these people a free ride to screw people over.

Dude, it it pathetic how these bankers can amass trillions of dollars in their bank accounts, but then go to the government crying for more money. Either fund your company with your own money, as it was primarily your fault (for big businesses, nothing against mom and pop stores) for getting yourself into this mess in the first place Mr. I-Make-Millions-In-Bonuses-Each-Year. I swear, if this keeps up there will be an American Spring.
9,462 posts

Dude, it it pathetic how these bankers can amass trillions of dollars in their bank accounts, but then go to the government crying for more money.

Then the average person foots the bill. That would be what thse protests are about.
9,439 posts

Dude, it it pathetic how these bankers can amass trillions of dollars in their bank accounts

Trillions? Really?
9,462 posts

Trillions? Really?

I think he got it mixed up with the national debt.
1,627 posts

Trillions? Really?

Maybe that was a little bit of an exaggeration, but it is still ridiculous these banker's bank accounts which have millions upon millions if not billions.
5,129 posts

wont you take the bonus if it was given to you?

5,043 posts

I have been without internet for a while. I have heard about the protests but I know little about them. If someone could clear up what the protestors are demanding, that would be helpful. Otherwise, I'll be back tomorrow after I do some research myself.

2,763 posts

Some random news from reddit.

Looks like people are just angry at the greed and immorality displayed by the %1. No leaders or demands, mostly just pure anger.

Personally this just shows that objectivism could never work or a Laissez-faire market. Also shows the many faults of capitalism. Since capitalism requires constant growth that we may not be able to supply in the needs of such a system.

People are just too greedy and don't feel bad when they attach themselves to other people at an inclined plane and proceed to turn thus screwing them into oppression. Psychopaths you got to love them for not giving a ____ about people or laws.

5,043 posts

Personally this just shows that objectivism could never work or a Laissez-faire market. Also shows the many faults of capitalism. Since capitalism requires constant growth that we may not be able to supply in the needs of such a system.

I very strongly disagree. All the problems the protestors are complaining about have nothing to do with the free market. Nothing. If there's a problem with a corporation bribing politicians, then you fall into corporatism territory.

There's this idea that the free market allowed corporations to control the government. However, that's the exact opposite of what a free market is. In a free market, the government is unable to intervene, meaning corporations would be unable to bribe the government into making laws that harm other businesses.

I watched one video where students were demanding that the government take care of college debts. They were protesting because corporations control colleges, but they failed to realize that the government is the reason colleges are so expensive.

Student Protest

My views aren't anything new around here though. I believe that people are smart enough to find solutions that don't require anyone to forcefully take another person's money, or to limit their basic freedoms. The only time force should be used is if one is defending themselves, another person, or his personal property from physical harm.
2,763 posts

I very strongly disagree. All the problems the protestors are complaining about have nothing to do with the free market. Nothing. If there's a problem with a corporation bribing politicians, then you fall into corporatism territory.

I was just mostly ranting about how it cold be worse. It's not a question of if there were corporations pushing governments or politicians it's how many.

There's this idea that the free market allowed corporations to control the government. However, that's the exact opposite of what a free market is. In a free market, the government is unable to intervene, meaning corporations would be unable to bribe the government into making laws that harm other businesses.

How would a free market stop corporations from seeking to change laws to their favor.

puts the concepts of freedom and anti-protectionism at the service of vested wealthy interests, allowing them to attack labor laws and other protections of the working classes.

Thinking that regulating them would prevent them from seeking to change laws is ridiculous. The corporations would only grow larger and ultimately stop. Then they would have to find another way to expand again or increase profits. Paying people less money is in idea that they would probably liken to.

I watched one video where students were demanding that the government take care of college debts. They were protesting because corporations control colleges, but they failed to realize that the government is the reason colleges are so expensive.

Well in Canada, the universities are funded in part by the government and it's doesn't cost ridiculous amounts. Research grants are also spread more evenly across the population that wishes to pursue it. But it mainly looks like people have their own reasons for being there, it is really a unified protest.

My view is based on that people will and do attach to the population at an incline plane wrapped helically across the axis and turn, thus screwing them. It only takes groupthink or one psychopath up high to spit on peoples freedoms in hopes of profit.
Group think makes this so much easier since people don't feel as responsible, make poorer decisions and tend to only agree with each other.
9,462 posts

If someone could clear up what the protestors are demanding, that would be helpful.

There are no clear demands, people are just sick and tired of the state of things in the country, with the upper 1% profiting on it all.
5,129 posts

i don't get it. why go against wall street when your not happy whit the politics. there will always be people whit loads of money. it's not like evry1 on wall street is doing good. most of them are losing all there money. the bonus inspires them to do the job and take the risks. now they get booooed because their work paid of. but most of them are still losing their money.

5,043 posts

How would a free market stop corporations from seeking to change laws to their favor.

In a free market, a corporation is unable to bribe politicians into creating new laws that give the corporation an advantage in the market. As soon a law is put in place to give certain corporations an advantage, you leave the realm of the free market. This is nota capitalism, but rather corporatism. There is a huge difference between the two and I feel I must make it clear that there is a distinction between the two.

In a free market society, corporations will be unable to bribe politicians to create laws that give them an edge in the market.

I'm going to assume that you knew the above and that you're asking how we prevent a free market capitalist society from becoming a corporatist society.

The problem with a corporatist society is that the market is being controlled by the government. Many will argue that the market is actually being controlled by corporations who bribed the politicians to control the market in favor of the corporations, though this is true, it doesn't change the fact that the politicians are in some form of control. Many people believe that we must increase the amount of control the politicians have so that corporations aren't able to bribe them, however, this just doesn't happen. In fact, the more control the government has over the market, the easier the politicians are to bribe!

So what's the solution? Take away the power of the government to control the market. The only way corporations can change and add laws is if they bribe a politician. If the politicians being bribed don't have the power to add and change laws to benefit particular corporations, then the bribe money becomes useless. Despite what many misinformed youths may tell you, corporations can not create laws without government.

puts the concepts of freedom and anti-protectionism at the service of vested wealthy interests, allowing them to attack labor laws and other protections of the working classes.

Ultimately you don't have to work for someone you don't like. However, when your options are limited due to lack of experience or schooling, you have to start usually at a low paying job. Nobody can force you to work for someone, but sometimes your options are limited and you have to work a job you don't like.

Currently, most workers are protected by certain laws as well as unions. Without government interventions, the people would have to rely on unions that are not funded by the government. It would be up to the unions to find compromises.

Many people believe that without minimum wage, corporations would pay everyone less money. The problem with this is that most people make above minimum wage. If corporations focused only on paying their workers the least amount of money possible, then wouldn't everyone be making about 7 - 10 dollars an hour?

Every time min. wage is increased, the prices of goods and services also go up. When a min. wage worker now earns 50 cents more due to min. wage increase, then everyone effected by the law will have more purchasing power, increasing demand, decreasing supply, and ultimately increasing prices. What happens with min. wage is that you create inflation. Ask yourself, what do you think would happen to the economy if min. wage was raised to 10 dollars an hour? 15 dollars? 20 dollars? 50? 100 dollars an hour?

Well in Canada, the universities are funded in part by the government and it's doesn't cost ridiculous amounts. Research grants are also spread more evenly across the population that wishes to pursue it. But it mainly looks like people have their own reasons for being there, it is really a unified protest.

The problem here is that we're assuming that money should be going into the current college system as well as the current research grants. Even if you believe the current college system is total horse ****, you are forced to support the college system anyway because the government takes it from you through force.

If you think colleges should operate a specific way, you should be able to use your money to support only the colleges you like, or only the college you want to go to. When the government takes your money and gives it to someone else, that person gains the money you were hoping wouldn't go towards a college you hate.

The same goes for research. If the government funds research on stem cells and you're against stem cell research, then you are forced to support stem cell research anyway through taxation. If you want to donate money to the study of cancer, then you can always do so. However, when the government taxes you, you have less money to donate to a cause you wish to support.

Of course, we fall into the argument that some people can't afford certain things and that we need to take money from those who have it to help those who don't have any money. Again, there's no need for the government to take money when everyone can donate. Of course, people always say "what if most people don't donate their money?" The thing is, when given the opportunity, most people will donate. Not only that, but we can encourage things such as fundraisers to help the poor. If we put our minds to it, we could figure out many non-coercive solutions!
19 posts

I think that the protests started off meaning well, but now its obvious that it has been infiltrated by cia and morons. There is evidence that Soros backs the protesters so you KNOW somthings up, and obama said he supported it.

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