If you could become God what would you change in the world, I would try and make the president make a law where if you pollute you had to go to jail for like 2 years. Also make Mars completely livable so we wont have an over population on Earth.
I guess if I were to really change something (other than my previous post) I would probably find a way so people could communicate with me directly at anytime. kinda like a local insurance agent who is ready to help if need be. to me, humanity can take care of itself, but individual humans may not be able to.
I guess if I could, I would also eliminate the problems in our genetics that causes cancers to form. the lifestyle cancers I would leave to keep people healthy.
I would most likely destroy the universe, and play around for the next 3 eternities. Who needed all those idiots praying to me anyway, I can just make more angels. After that, i'd have a tea party with the devil, and wipe him from existance. At which point I'd play some video games.