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Hello guys, my name is Emanuel. I would like to discuss about this on here, armorgames, because the community in here seems very mature.
Well, let's just start about me and school. Everytime i think on "SCHOOL" i can feel it like a torment, or the "Bad moment feeling" everytime i think on it. I don't get bullied, and i even got a good rep on school. I'm not sure why i'm worried. Maybe it is because when i wake up, i wake up tired. Maybe because i hate writing. Maybe because i just don't understand what's the Mathematics teacher saying. Yeah, i think that's what worrying me and making me lose hope on school. I get bored, i hate studying, and waking up everytime thinking about "oh man school again "

So, to get to the point quickly, do you think that they should stop giving us unnecessary stuff that you don't need for your future? I mean, why study History? why study.. art?
I question this everyday. I know that not everyone wants to study on the future the same thing (ie. Lawyer) but, seriously? History, art? That is completely unnecessary. I sometimes get depressed about the "Oh god school again" feeling. (Even though, i have gotten a social life thanks to school) People get bored looking at a green board/white board like for a whole hour. What if we started doing more interactive stuff while in class, rather than a teacher yelling around and making us write a 9000 page book?
I know job-less people that actually they [/b]are very intelligent around.
So the question is folks, [b]why study?

I am 15 years old
>10th grader, never failed a grade.

  • 38 Replies
47 posts

History must be studied so we don't have the bad stuff happen again (like the Nazis or the Holocaust). Anyways I'm like you in many ways, but school is necassary. We all would be like we were at Day 1 if we didn't have school (or the study of history).

1,627 posts

Why study?

Well, if you have no ambition whatsoever to do anything besides say "Would you like fries with that?" in a drive through microphone. Then by all means don't study and drop out of high school, or get a liberal arts degree. However, if you want to be a lawyer, a lawmaker, someone who could change the world or just your own country, then a good education is necessary to survive as an intellectual. I am only in 9th grade. However, I have a plan to become a congressman because I feel that I could help out our country by being in a position of leadership. If you don't like history, then focus not of just history in general, but of a certain era. I am Jewish, so predictably I am a sort-of expert of the European Theater in WWII, especially the Holocaust. I have even written a historical-fiction novel on the topic for a class! Say that you enjoy guitar. Then brush up on the history of it, like who was the first to make it, what instrument did it derive from, stuff like that. History doesn't have to be boring! Also, while I did bash liberal arts earlier, learning an art is a sort of de-stressor. It give an opportunity to vent feelings in a way that is not in the slightest destructive or even disruptive. I am no artist, but when I get mad at something, I could write a poem or a short story reflecting my feelings at the moment. It allows me to take out my anger on something that isn't violent, and will actually benefit in the long term. If one of the reasons you get that "ugh, I have to go to school" feelings is because you don't feel challenged, then go to your councilor at school and ask if you can take some honors courses. I know that in 10th grade AP American History is offered. See if you could get into that (though it might be a little too late). Really, the choice is up to you. Do you want to be a productive member of society and help the world, or do you want to take my order at McDonalds?
4,220 posts

Education is extremely important for success. While you may not think it now, you will very likely use many of these skills in your future, especially if you want anything other than burger flipping asking people if they want fries with that.

I know exactly where you're coming from, my attitude towards school makes you look like you love it. Just trust me, you'll appreciate it one day.

9,504 posts

Well to correct a few things, we study various forms of History so we can (hopefully) not be doomed to repeat it. Not sure what you mean by studying Art, unless you're studying art techniques or art history/culture, since in my view of Art, you're working with the stuff and developing your talents to improve your standards. Then secondly, school has naught to do with intelligence; you're looking for wisdom, or knowledge.

With the early rise problem, some schools have applied the change of moving classes to one-two hours forward, allowing students to rest until 8-9AM. This poses a circulatory conundrum that is: what if the students then go to bed 1-2 hours later? It would defeat the purpose of implementing the new change.

Exaggerations aside, it's either the lack of attention given to the teacher by the student or the lack of involvement from the teacher to the student. I really loathe the droll, monotone teachers that arise from different subjects, but somehow, they all leech on History and English. They, the teachers, gave more interactive activities towards the students when they were younger, because that was how to best learn at that time. Students in the adolescent level have more-developed brains and are then expected to be more pragmatic with their learning. True, having more interactive class sessions would help some people, but it all depends on what you specialize in. Are you creative, pragmatic, tactile, or auditory? This is why I'm wanting this Life Skills class to be taught mandatory to Freshman level highschool classes, much like how they have mandatory P.E. classes (which is much less useful and altogether pointless), because this class involves teaching you the five W's of how to study and goes through it in different perspectives.

As for that math stuff...erm, you can always go to your teacher and ask for more help. Because it's, like, their job and stuff. They wouldn't be a teacher if they declined.

1,627 posts

This is why I'm wanting this Life Skills class to be taught mandatory to Freshman level highschool classes, much like how they have mandatory P.E. classes (which is much less useful and altogether pointless), because this class involves teaching you the five W's of how to study and goes through it in different perspectives.

First of all, at my school you don't have to do PE if you complete two seasons of any combination of sports, academic team or marching band. Second of all, I don't think that Life Skills should be mandatory unless you have social issues and issues with working with other people. If I was required to take a Life Skills class, then I would have to give up one of my other classes, probably French 3, which is needed to graduate with an honors degree.
16,287 posts

From a fellow highschooler :P (9th Grader)
Well first off, what's bad about history, i love history, i'm gonna minor it for college. But i have geography boo

anywho, i believe history is just so we can learn about are past, you know it's always enlightening, and art is usually an elective

also Why Study?

well unless the only phrase you wanna study is "Would you like to super size that?" then it's to get an actual future that consists of a career in what you enjoy

34 posts

I am all for not studying pointless junk for your degree.
If I wanted to be an English teacher, why in the world would I need 40+ hours of crap I will never use.
I plan to drop out of college, work to save money, and open my own shop.
You just need to find out what is important to you, and go with it.
Life is way too short to worry about small details.
If school isn't for you, get another job.
My boyfriend barely passed high school, dropped out of college, and he makes 50k a year driving truck.
He found what he enjoys for now, and he is fantastic at driving truck. There are people who can't even parallel park a car, and he can do it in a semi.
It is all up to you and your own choice. Don't let others stop you from what you want to do, because in 100 years who is going to care?

5,061 posts

get a liberal arts degree

That's out of line.

Since everyone has already addressed the history aspect, I shall address art.

Art is not a required course, it is an elective, it is for those who wish to create, we study it because we have a need for it. Just as there are people who specialize in the fields of law, medicine, and business,there are people who find their calling in creating for the enjoyment of others. Would you want to live in a world where there is no art? No music? No literature? That is why we study art.

mandatory P.E. classes (which is much less useful and altogether pointless)

I must say, I completely disagree.
1,627 posts

That's out of line.

Sorry, but considering the amount of liberal arts degrees compared with the amount of people who hold those degrees who are employed, it seems to be a pretty useless piece of paper :/

I must say, I completely disagree.

Care to back that up?
34 posts

Not meaning any harm, but I was forced to take an Arts degree in high school, and now in college. Just letting you know.

3,371 posts

I agree with kyouzou. Gym and art are very important. Gym is important because physical health in general is important. My friend isn't exactly healthy physically but gym is helping him with that. It's good to have a healthy heart and know how to exercise. Art is also good. Music, literature and just drawing are all good types of art. And it helps practice creativity. Your imagination is very important.

34 posts

For all you "burger flipping, fries with that" people, there are some locations up north(USA) that are paying at least $12 an hour starting out for McDonald's workers. Not to mention UPS hires at $9.50 a hour, and goes up 50 cents every year. My dad dropped out of high school, has no degree, and he has had his own business for 15 years. Just because you don't want to go to school doesn't mean you can't make good money, and be "secure".

3,371 posts

That's true. My dad dropped out of high school and has always made more then my mom, who went to college for 4 years. And he knows a guy that quit a good job to go to college and ended up making less then before. While college is usally a really great choice it doesn't really give grantee.

9,504 posts

I agree with kyouzou. Gym and art are very important. Gym is important because physical health in general is important. My friend isn't exactly healthy physically but gym is helping him with that. It's good to have a healthy heart and know how to exercise.

The point I was making was, why make this mandatory for some schools? The amount of intellectual stimulation from this "course" is very slim whereas all other courses have higher degrees of it. What do you get out of this, besides a temporary health boost and knowledge of exercises? This should only be an elective at the most, however, some schools have this required.
3,371 posts

But kids are very impressionable. The habits you put on them will stick. If kids never have to exercise there will be a lot of people who never will exercise. And it makes them in general more open to it. Because they already know what it feels like. Besides many people don't exercise at home. And we need some exercise throught the week. I definitely see your point on it not being intellectual enough to be considered an actual class for a school.

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