as now things r going like Indian war excercises on our eastern borders and some american officials saying that they will attack in pakistan if they have to (like in jacobabad) do you think there will be a war on pakistan by India and america or both and what will b china & israel's position on it
You'd like the U.S. to tell you they knew where bin Laden was, so you could give him a heads up and he could escape. It shows the West doesn't trust you. America probably knew where bin Laden was hiding, or at least suspected, for a while now and just took their time to get him. Only a fool would think they only recently found him. If Pakistan wasn't hiding bin Laden then it's military intelligence is practically non-existent. How can a country like that possibly hope to win a war?
Not it's citizens, I'm accusing the Pakistani government.
ur officials should have contacted our officials
According to you, we did.
then we would have confirmed his presence there
According to you, they did. Then lied about not knowing he was in your backyards. Interviews with kids said that he never came out but there were armed men and wouldn't let them step foot in the yard.
or a black op by USA.
It was a US Black Op. The only people shooting at the Al-Quida guards was Seal Team 6. None of Pakistani military was there.
Such a behaviour generates hatred for america
You already hate America, from the sounds of it.
creats terrorists
I Don't think so, the Internet is the only place where I actually speak my mind on certain subjects. I haven't demonized any Muslim for the 9/11 attacks, this isn't too much different...except the government blatantly denying that they knew he was there.
Im not talking about ur behaviour im talking about ur government policies Just the that there r terrorist at a certain place does not justify killing 70 innocent students
u say that our intelligence is non existent b coz they never knew about osama then MI6 is lame for not being able to stop 7/7 bombing CIA is lame for not being able to stop 9/11 and for giving false reports of WMDs in iraq
Last time I checked, the M16 was an America assault rifle.
And that's very tragic, yes. But that's a prime example of why a war against the US would be suicide. And not sound offensive but that sounds like a "oh woe is I" compared to the 9/11 attack. About 3,000 innocent people died. Many firefighters gave their lives trying to save others. Those people did nothing to provoke an attack. So, which country had bigger devastation? US, who lost about 3,000 innocent lives, or Pakistan, who lost about 82, with about 70 being students? I think 3,000 greatly outnumbers 82, no matter what their occupation was.
I think you're confusing lameness with liberalness. The soft touch government that Labour has been forming since the end of World War 2 allowed 7/7 to happen by preventing the 4 Pakistani men who set the bombs off from being deported. Besides Pakistan has had much more terrorist attacks since then so it still shows your military intelligence is useless
Let see things from a realistic perspectiv. There wont be a war between pakistan and USA. What makes you think that? War is a big deal, and wont be declared because of small cases.
Yeah right.Just some facts. Pakistan is densely populated. Pakistan had been front line state against terrorism for a decade. Pakistan was front line state against communism. India the sworn enemy of Pakistan is its naghbour. Israel also sees Pakistan as its enemy. Lets not forget extremists. This makes a long list of enemies. Against this much enemies i don't think any ISI does its best and stops most of them but there r just too much attacks