Today is the day that, or so camping claims, the world ends. every one Die's today because the world ends. Or is this just another one of his wild theories. I cant help but laugh at this predicament.
People are preparing for the end of the world since 33nd year (the year of Christ's crucifixion). Since XVth century almost every year somebody predicts the end of the world.
Here are doomsdays that we're waiting in the nearest future: 2012 - a long-awaited end of the world. Here is a bunch of them - the end of the Mayan calendar cycle (December 21), the fifth sun, the solar system will be sideways to the galactic axis, all the cosmic cycles will be violated, changes in the poles and so on. 2013 - Ragnarok, the Day of Judgement. For mortals it is death, but for the gods - the birth. Also NASA predicts giant magnetic storm for this year, which will kill all the electronics. 2013, February 18 - Reserve date for the end of the world in 2012. 2014 - astrophysicists say that our solar system gets a cloud of dust that sweeps away everything in its path. 2015 - end of a 9576-year cycle, which leads to the death of civilization. 2015 - June 3 - End of the World according to the prophecies of the Athos monks. 2016 - James Hansen, a climate researcher at the state of the Earth, argues that this year will melt glaciers, and most of the land will be flooded. 2017 - End of the World on hierarchical theory of catastrophes. 2018 - Nuclear war of Nostradamus. 2020 - Sir Isaac Newton calculated that the end of the world will be in this year. 2021 - January 21, 2021, the world would end, according to some other Indian prophets and Richard Boylanu 2023 - supposedly the year when the Earth will come down from orbit 2024 - a tentative date of the fall of the next asteroid.
We have doomsday's prophesy for each year up to the year 3000 (so i think you may look through it in the internet), then we will have a few years of rest between other end points of light.
Why not make a prophesy for 1000000000000000000000000 year - very round number, and why not?
Why in the first place do people try to predict the end of the world? Sure I believe in the rapture. But, when a man predicts when the world ends I would laugh. Why? Because they think they know when God ends this world. We christians must believe that we are not equal with God. Otherwise we do not truly believe in him.
People can't predict the end of the world...Because God don't let them! Is better to us ,to let the end of the world in back and live our life,having fun and be happy! We don't need to complicate our minds with this things because we will be crazy after like Einstein or other science people....
People can't predict the end of the world...Because God don't let them! Is better to us ,to let the end of the world in back and live our life,having fun and be happy! We don't need to complicate our minds with this things because we will be crazy after like Einstein or other science people....
I think I have been explaining why we shouldn't predict the end of the world. That's A good point though.
People can't predict the end of the world...Because God don't let them! Is better to us ,to let the end of the world in back and live our life,having fun and be happy! We don't need to complicate our minds with this things because we will be crazy after like Einstein or other science people....
I guess the saying "ignorance is bliss" does apply in this situation. like I said earlier, a true prophet will know when the world ends, but god will not allow him to say it. for him to say it is to end our ignorance, and cause chaos (much like this false prophet).
So you are saying there are people in this world who know when dooms day come but they shut cuz of the fear of God?Hmmmmm....In my opinion i'm not agree with you I think we should take the dooms day from another angle.For us the end of the world is when the fire will destroy our planet and universe,but if it's different? If is nice and we don't burn......?Waiting views!
Does anyone know what he's saying about nothing happening?
I think he just shut up.
From Wiki: No statement was issued by Camping or Family Radio on October 21 or 22. Camping reportedly remained in seclusion after October 21 passed without the predicted end of the world.
From Wiki: No statement was issued by Camping or Family Radio on October 21 or 22. Camping reportedly remained in seclusion after October 21 passed without the predicted end of the world.
Poor guy. To have all that you've been taught and your hopes/dreams crushed in such a publicly humiliating way. Of course, maybe he'll finally get it into his head that the end of the world isn't coming.