ForumsThe Tavernif u could date any girl what would she be like?

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81 posts

ok so for me she would have 2 be one of two

1. she would have to be a white girl with blonde hair(idk how to explain the kind of blonde) and have blue eyes (eyes dont matter that much) and any age from 12 - 15 she would have to be skiny but not super skiny and nice and funny and not afraid to talk her mind


2. she would have to have a tan sorta like a latina tan or she could be latina and have brownnish color hair and brown eyes and skiny and same age group and have to be nice funny and not afriad to speak her mind

now wat about you

if any girls read this and are like 1 or 2 then please comment on my profile please lol

  • 38 Replies
3,371 posts

If I date a girl, I would want our relationship to be mutual. The whole idea of us needing to act a specific way because of our genders bothers me. So if I could date any girl i'd want her to accept that. I would also like her to accept me. I'm, well I'm just different. Not in a bad way, I'm a nice guy. But I can just tell I'm different. I'm not an idiot. I can see perfectly well that I behave differently from everyone else. So I'd like her to accept that.

1,322 posts

Attraction to physical characteristics is found throughout the animal kingdom. Idk about dating, but for marriage I'd prefer to be with someone who doesn't have any genetic maladies. I believe in true love, but I believe that you develop love over the course of the relationship. I plan on having kids... if she's up for it... lots of kids. I care about their health just as much as or more as anything else in this world. In this way, physical features or possible genetic disorders would mean a lot when I consider someone as a partner.

plus.... Some people think that numbers and ratios and stuff like that can be aesthetically/ocularly pleasing. It may be possible that some faces or features are just more ocularly pleasing than others.

It's instinctual for other animals to search out or be attracted to certain qualities and features. I find different qualities more attractive than others. Maybe I can't help that... Maybe it's engrained in me to like certain things. If I want to spend the rest of my life with someone who attracts me both with their personality and physical features, then that's my decision. I'd think those who'd condemn me would be moreso in the wrong for that, then I would be for my actions... but that's just my opinion.

That being said. I'd like to have the common interest of running and/or other sports... and with that brings a certain physical build. If we don't have some of our major interests in common, then I'd imagine that we'd eventually get bored. Physical features can totally be a legitimate feature to look at when looking for a partner.

Hereditary genetic disorders can hurt your children and/or their children (and so on). Physical features can dictate the dynamic of the relationship or your partner's health (goes back to possible genetics). If could pick your mate from an E-persona without ever having seen them, then more power to you. That's your decision. All I care about is that you're happy with your decisions. I would hope that if you feel anything at all for me that you would hope that I'm as happy with my life and decisions as I hope you are with yours.

5,061 posts

My first is that I have to be attracted to her, a relationship doesn't real work if both parties aren't attracted to each. This doesn't necessarily mean physical characteristics, recent studies have shown that women have these things called brains. I think it's quite important really.

I definitely want someone who shares my views about religion, because a difference that big is like asking for fights. On the other hand, she definitely has to be someone I can hold a discussion with, who is able to respond adequately without simply sitting there agreeing like a loon. Oh and she has to be sarcastic, where's the fun if the sarcasm isn't appreciated.

As for aesthetics, I'm not going to lie and say they don't matter to me, but they don't play a huge role in who I date. If I'm attracted to a girl, obviously I'm going to be more bold with how I talk to her, where as attraction can also develop from time spent with a person. But I digress, ideally, I would love someone with long hair (proportionately), who is shorter than me, it gets to be awkward when I your girlfriend is taller than you at dances, I've found.

55 posts

I dont really care what she looks like as long as shes cute.But more importantly She has to be nice funny and really outgoing.

155 posts

Well, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder".
But if we want to be specific...
Light skinned, Blue eyes, Blonde hair with a mix of brown, a nice smile to go with a wonderful sense of humor and I can be open with her and she could be open with me.
...if you want to be specific...

274 posts

she would have to be a white girl with blonde hair

That's rather specific. Why does it even matter what she looks like, as long as she loves you?

eyes dont matter that much

Oh, that makes it okay. Even though skin color and hair are dependent factors in your ideal girl, as long as the color of the eyes doesn't matter, you're a perfectly sensible person who doesn't judge others just from their appearance.

she could be latina and have brownnish color hair and brown eyes

Now you're bringing ethnicity into this? Why does it matter what ethnicity she is?

and skiny

Adding insult to injury. What happens if you decide to commit yourself to her, and she gains some weight? What are you going to do then, leave her at the Cheesecake Factory?

She has to be attractive

No. She doesn't.

Don't be judgmental.

I want my woman to be sorta okay lookin. Not great. Beautiful women are too difficult to talk too because they are really fit, then you haven't got the courage to speak to her, know what I mean? Plus if she isn't as sexually attractive, then she has not got as high self-esteem and therefore she is easier to socialise with. But if she is ugly, you might not be able to get past that, then therefore you would be stuck. Possibility, but not too ugly. Much prefer average looking women. And dating isn't the same as having a full-on long term relationship, but she's much less likely to dump you for minimalistic reasons if she isn't so hot that she can just choose whatever man or woman that she wants to therefore I prefer an okay lookin woman with a lot of personality...
65 posts


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