
429 78367
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As you know things have been going for muslims for last decade.All the discrimination and hatred they have been facing.
Led to the rise of the term Islamophobia.
What r ur thoughts on it.

  • 429 Replies
1,826 posts

There are ahadiths about it

2,487 posts

There are ahadiths about it

once again, the world isn't decided by muslim doctrine. it is decided by goverments, and individual beliefs. if you are not a muslim, none of your beliefs/doctrine will be known by us nor will we care. then that means the man you killed was, in a way, innocent. since he was innocent, and it is bad in the muslim world to kill an innocent man, then you have broken one of the most sacred muslim rules.

Well they dont have any reason to kill me cuz I didnt said anything to enrage them did I?

it said that if you did, they would attack you. they are pacifists, which means no matter what, they won't harm you. the fact that amish are pacifists even though they are way more disrespected than muslims means you should get over it and move on.

overall, since punisher is so rooted into his beliefs, he will twist the logic we throw at him just enough to not be affected by your questions. maybe we should employ twisted logic as well in order to sway him.
5,340 posts

overall, since punisher is so rooted into his beliefs, he will twist the logic we throw at him just enough to not be affected by your questions. maybe we should employ twisted logic as well in order to sway him.

you forgot "responding to what you want (can) respond to" as well :3
5,552 posts

maybe we should employ twisted logic as well in order to sway him.

Fighting fire with fire only makes more stuff burn >.>
1,826 posts

There are ahadiths about it

I was answering Avorne.
1,826 posts

overall, since punisher is so rooted into his beliefs, he will twist the logic we throw at him just enough to not be affected by your questions. maybe we should employ twisted logic as well in order to sway him

Can explain it in simple english plz.
5,340 posts

what he sais is that you are so certain that your beliefs are right and that they should be everyones beliefs (not religios beliefs but moral beliefs) that even if we use simple logic to show you its wrong you will just turn it the other way around and try to answer questions in a way that defends your beliefs and still answer the questions. and to do that by using twisted logic. (even if your able to answer the questions its pretty obvious that you miss the point or dont want to answer it the way it should be).

1,826 posts

Can you give me an example of this

5,340 posts

so your proving it by hurting other people? that statement is actually true for most people. religions WILL NEVER make sense and that is obvious and that comes from a religios person. you cant expect a person who fully relies on logic to not think that what you believe in is stupid. and you know what? thats ok.

i know its annoying when people laugh at your religion, but everyone get that and you have to get over that. again, i remember the anger lessons in kindergarden. if you let words drive you insane your just proving that the islam is in fact dangerous and you cant blame other people for being afraid of muslims. im also sure that other muslims would agree and think that those people make a bad name for them.

the fact that you find something important doesnt mean that you can do whatever you want when someone disrespects it. i LOVE pokemon, but you wont see me killing other people who disrespect it. and if your going to say that it is different because it is not a belief then ok.

i can simply believe in the most stupid thing like a giant bunny. i could believe in the most stupid things but i have no right to hurt anyone who disrespect it. this world isnt perfect and people just dont respect other people, im sure you can see that. if anyone would kill someone who disprespects something they believe in or something they love we wouldnt last.

and you cant make a rule against insulting a religion. that would be like a rule of insulting someones physical appearance. the beliefs and opinions change and you cant have a rule that is so subjective.

the only thing that would perfectly prevent it would be to turn us into robots with no feelings. some people are more sensitive while others arent. and some people are more bold while others arent and you cant make a rule that kills that difference.

id say the problem is that "you" (:3) have to control yourself better and not give your religion as an excuse for "your" weakness. if id punch every person in my class for saying something bad about that brick on the floor of course they would be afraid of me.

ike who? there are many religions and each can give me a pretty bad &quotroof" that its right. there are christian prophets too. so why arent you christian? you cant prove any of this. once there is a solid proof in the present. then we can say that something exists. but not if its written in a book.

i can also say that freedom of speech is allowed as far as you dont say anything bad. how much freedom is there then?

but standing on someones toes can actually physically damage you. and but that last part you want me to feel bad for you? your not the only religion that is disrespected yet you are probably (dont ignore this word) the only religion that sais its ok to kill those who do.

where does it say that AG gives you the freedom of speech? :3.

ummm... thank you? but that doesnt mean i can kill others who do insult it. the fact that you wont do it means nothing. and besides, even if you werent muslim you probably wouldnt insult it because you wouldnt get killed. oh and look, that will result in fear which will lead to hatred. can i blame you for hating me? no. reminds you of something?

and those are just mine. you either didnt respond or responded in a way that had nothing to do with the point of those comments
2,487 posts

Can you give me an example of this

look at many of your recent posts. that's proof enough.
1,826 posts

id say the problem is that "you" (:3) have to control yourself better and not give your religion as an excuse for "your" weakness. if id punch every person in my class for saying something bad about that brick on the floor of course they would be afraid of me.

First of all there is no comparison b/w a brick in floor and religion.
My english is not very good i have to think of things in my native language and then i translate it into English that is why I think I have not been able to convey my message clearly.
I will try to give my opinion as clearly as possible.
'Holy prophet is dearer to a muslim than his parents and muslims (in most cases) try every legal mean to stop disrespect of holy prophet B4 getting violent and as for me, freedom of speech must not defame anyone unless there is a proper cause.Thats all.
408 posts

Guys if he feels that deeply about his religion just let him bee

2,487 posts

Guys if he feels that deeply about his religion just let him bee

sorry, every religion is scrutinized in AG, doesn't matter what it is.

First of all there is no comparison b/w a brick in floor and religion.

can't believe we have to go over this again. if you get angry at somebody when there is no real need to do so. if you do, people will get more and more afraid of you and the people you represent.

'Holy prophet is dearer to a muslim than his parents and muslims (in most cases) try every legal mean to stop disrespect of holy prophet B4 getting violent and as for me, freedom of speech must not defame anyone unless there is a proper cause.Thats all.

as admirable as it may be that you won't mess with another religion, the rest of the world isn't as honourable. as long as either the religion is around, or people have free will, muslims (and almost every other religion) will be disrespected. sometimes it's better you have your own opinion on the matter than follow the belief of some book (sacreligious as it may sound, it is completely true). if you don't learn that, then you indirectly advocating for the very intolerance you are trying to remove.
5,340 posts

Guys if he feels that deeply about his religion just let him bee

and if i feel that deeply about my brick and people will let me be its ok if i kill someone? :3.

as i said, for you the brick and your religion cant be compared. but for a person it might be. and if that brick is important to him like that if he follows your logic it is ok for him to kill someone.

you have to look at this in a objective way. freedom of speech exists so we can say things that are different from others beliefs without being afraid of getting hurt. that is the point of that. "you can do anything you want as long as we find it ok" is not freedom.
1,826 posts

in. if you get angry at somebody when there is no real need to do so. if you do, people will get more and more afraid of you and the people you represent.

This is what you dont get (cuz probably you dont have any religion) that religion is not something like ur favorite a band or fav celebrity its the way of life.
Showing 211-225 of 429