The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
because are lungs would be bored if we didn't
how does one become a fish?
If you stay underwater for 72 hours in a row, you gain the power to transform in a fish spontaneously
Why am I building an underwater house in Minecraft?
Because drowning is fun.
Why do I always feel empty inside after posting?
because you're a ghost.
how much does a ghost weight?
1.66 x 10^228 times less than in his human form
What is gold used for?
It's because the Godcats from Epic Battle Fantasy IV were taking pictures, but only one could be in the picture each time as the other was taking it with a camera
Why was "Moon" the first word I said?
What is error 666?
Because the video is not very healthy for the internet and it starts to catch virus
What is a virus?
because Armoria is a kingdom with its own culture
Why do I prefer cold weather?
Because when the weather is hot, it's always too hot and no one has patience with it
How much is a lot?
Because it's funny
Don't you think that words are strange? because we make sounds and other people understand what we say!
How much woodshell could she sell if woodchucks invested in Geico?
A lot
What is "what"?
what is another word for stupid dog
how does cooked armorplayergc taste like?
Just like a shadow...
Why are rubies red?
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