The title explains itself.Example:Post 1: What is 1+1?Post 2: 11.Post 2: <insert question here>and so on and so forth.
The state of the country.
What's going on in the center?
An insane mess and chaos
What's going on in the very corner of this sphere?
the chocolate chip to this cookie
Whats going on with the crumbs down below
Ants, ants everywhere
When will time stop?
What is like living in the planet Mars?
It's not.
What's the best color?
the colour 7
Whats the best letter?
The love letter
Why are we CONFUSED?!?''@+
Two to the one and a one to the three?
Why is red red?
'Cuz it no graan no blua
What you mean by COLOR THEORY!?!? huh!?!?
Stop baing no smart, u carn doz guder darn dus
WHy did my brain just act like a unicorn on heavy ecstasy?
C4n 1 7yp3 1n 1337?
Y3s, y0u c4n.
Where are all the memes?
Dave has all the memes. Komz too. Demand memes!
Where did the party go?
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