What I was thinking was that their would be a society where we all started at the same place with minimal help from parents so that no one would have an advantage or disadvantage at first. Then based on circumstances they could rise and fall.
Life is not a game, it is reality. Although we strive for a society which is fair, we do not live in one in which everyone starts on an identical square.
I understand that we may have Person A and Person B. Person A is an average person, but his family is wealthy and he inherits his wealth. Person B is hard working and intelligent, but he has no wealth to inherit. Person B, being much more beneficial to society, surely should be the wealthy one then should he not?
Consider this then, Person A, who is of less intellect has a rich father who was brilliant in his own right, but Person A remains average at best when it comes to work ethic and intelligence. Person B works hard and is very intelligent. The government makes sure that both Person A and Person B start out poor. Person B becomes wealthy, whereas Person A remains poor. Rightfully so, Person B was obviously the more productive of the two and deserved the wealth. But wait! Is it not but just as unfair that Person B, born at a disadvantage, can not inherit his fathers wealth to in turn help one who is merely average in life?!
If we want to live in a society based around socializing with one another, where everyone helps one another out, then we must allow people to not only give to other outside their family, but within their family as well. We must encourage a society in which parents actually take responsibility for their children, and taking away inheritance is nothing but a sin against such philosophy, for it in no way gives parents any incentive to save for their children's future.
Also, consider two people, Person C and Person D. Both parents are identical when it comes to wealth. Both Persons C and D plan on going to college, and both their parents offer to pay for any fees and debts that they come across.
Person C's parents get into a car accident when Person C is 20 years old. Inheritance is taken by the state. Not only can Person C not afford to finish college, but he can no longer afford to pay off the debts he has accumulated his first year at college.
Person D's parents live long enough to help Person D pay for all his college.
As you can see, Person C was put at a disadvantage purely because his parents died at an earlier age. You can argue that the government can use his parent's money for his education, but what if Person C wanted to start his own business instead? What if Person C wanted to start paying for his own home instead? Taking away one's inheritance does not level the playing field.
As you can see, inheritance does not solve any problems, it merely changes the problems that may occur. I would argue that the problems caused by taking away inheritance are far more detrimental than problems caused by nature and individual errors. Regardless, taking one's property merely to "be fair" is immoral.
Person E and Person F are both born on the same day. Person E is born into 20,000 dollars and Person F is born into 500 dollars. We can not expect the government to take 19,500 dollars from Person E just so things are more "fair". Instead of having one wealthy individual and one poor individual, you now end up with two poor individuals. You can't make one's life harder just because another person doesn't have it as well. We must focus on helping those born poor, not by harming those who are wealthy.