ForumsThe TavernOuija Board

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Now for those of you who do not know how to say this, it's the board that "allows" you to "talk" to "spirits". Obviously I'm not a believer myself but I am going to be using one tomorrow because I do not believe and my friends are petrified of the board.
So if you do believe have you ever used one? If so what's your story? Also does anyone know where we can buy one? We tried looking at Wal-mart but no such luck...

  • 54 Replies
5,365 posts

Oh also, as I understand the goal isn't to summon demons, it's to talk to the dead. People in heaven are considered dead too.

Actually, the Bible states that the dead aren't even conscious.

Psalms 115:17 The dead praise not the LORD, neither any that go down into silence.
Psalms 146:4 His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish
Ecclesiastes 9:5,6 For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion for ever in any thing that is done under the sun.
Job 14:12 So man lieth down, and riseth not: till the heavens be no more, they shall not awake, nor be raised out of their sleep.

Therefore, the only other option really is fallen angels.

There's normally multiple people right? Well, if even one of them knows, they can direct it. I've never used one so I can't say, but logically there's an explanation for everything.

How could you possible direct that much? Let's say I'm using a Ouija board with Jeol. I use it and say, "What is the name of Jeol's best friend?". How could Jeol tell me that? Morse code is a possibility, but what if he didn't know it?

Let's not get sidetracked.

My apologies; I have a strong habit of trying to defend my beliefs.
4,220 posts

Orion, if you really knew what God was, you'd know that he is pure benevolence.

Your Bible says otherwise.

I find the idea of worship or burn to be vastly offensive and an affront to what it is meant to stand for.

But, that's for a later day.
5,552 posts

How could you possible direct that much? Let's say I'm using a Ouija board with Jeol. I use it and say, "What is the name of Jeol's best friend?". How could Jeol tell me that? Morse code is a possibility, but what if he didn't know it?

As I've said, I've never used it so I have no idea how easily the planchette moves or what not. However, since Jeol does know, he could subconciously drift his hand toward say, the G, then the R, then the A, and so on. How would Jeol not know the name of his best friend btw?

On another note, does anyone have any personal experience with it?
5,365 posts

However, since Jeol does know, he could subconciously drift his hand toward say, the G, then the R, then the A, and so on. How would Jeol not know the name of his best friend btw?

I'm sorry; I'm afraid we've had some confusion. I meant if I asked the question and used the board, how would Jeol convey the answer to me. Of course Jeol would know his friend's name; I accept that one could subconsciously answer something he already knows.
5,552 posts

I'm sorry; I'm afraid we've had some confusion. I meant if I asked the question and used the board, how would Jeol convey the answer to me.

You mean it's just you and not Jeol too? I would assume your hand would just drift randomly and you'd spell out a name, even if it wasn't right.
5,365 posts

You mean it's just you and not Jeol too? I would assume your hand would just drift randomly and you'd spell out a name, even if it wasn't right.

Jeol and I are sitting next to each other. I grab the planchette, and ask, "What is the name of Jeol's best friend?". Without him flat-out saying it, how would he alert me as to what the answer is?

[quote=jeol]I think that it would give the answer you most believe is true.[/quote]

Well, speak of the Devil! Hehe, get it? Because we're talking about demons and you showed up...? Heh... *silence*

Anyways, you wouldn't tell me the answer. You'd have to somehow subconsciously alert me to the answer.
5,552 posts

Jeol and I are sitting next to each other. I grab the planchette, and ask, "What is the name of Jeol's best friend?". Without him flat-out saying it, how would he alert me as to what the answer is?

Well there's lots of ways he could do it, but let's say he just sits there blankly and watches.

What would happen is you'd most likely get it wrong. You may know subconciously (Told a long time ago by him and forgot for example) or you may not, in which case you'd probably just spell out a random name and have a 1/however many names there are in the world chance of getting it right.
1,405 posts

yeah i would be pretty scared of a ouiji board. mostly because ghosts freak me out. although it would be cool to talk to my dead great grandparents if it works.

5,365 posts

King breaker.


Well, if I were holding the planchette too, the way it usually works, than I would spell out the answer I know, I think.

Oh, ok. I was unaware that everyone held it. But what if it was a question nobody knew the answer to, like "What is the capital of Assyria?"

I was wondering why you were mentioning me :P

Lol, I was just naming a random user. ...But what if the Ouija demons told me?

Well there's lots of ways he could do it, but let's say he just sits there blankly and watches.

What would happen is you'd most likely get it wrong. You may know subconciously (Told a long time ago by him and forgot for example) or you may not, in which case you'd probably just spell out a random name and have a 1/however many names there are in the world chance of getting it right.

Ok, I'll go with that. Let's say my subconscious guesses, and the answer is wrong. If so, what's the purpose of the Ouija board? Its purpose is to communicate with spirits to answer questions. Therefore, it is rendered useless.

yeah i would be pretty scared of a ouiji board. mostly because ghosts freak me out. although it would be cool to talk to my dead great grandparents if it works.

I agree with you there, man. Ghosts and such have always creeped me out. Either way, though, it would be wonderful to communicate with loved ones if it was to actually work.
5,552 posts

If so, what's the purpose of the Ouija board? Its purpose is to communicate with spirits to answer questions.

When people still believed in it yes. Now it's more of a game. Like telling ghost stories, no one believes them (Unless they are really gullible) and it's just for fun.

Oh, ok. I was unaware that everyone held it. But what if it was a question nobody knew the answer to, like "What is the capital of Assyria?"

I'd imagine you'd dredge up the name of a city or just randomly link letters together if you didn't know. Because, ghosts/demons don't exist, so they can't be telling you the answers
5,365 posts

When people still believed in it yes. Now it's more of a game. Like telling ghost stories, no one believes them (Unless they are really gullible) and it's just for fun. ...I'd imagine you'd dredge up the name of a city or just randomly link letters together if you didn't know. Because, ghosts/demons don't exist, so they can't be telling you the answers

Lol. I'll go with that for a minute here. If there are no supernatural beings, then we're just randomly flailing our hands around a piece of wood to produce gibberish. Because "afhsjkethu" is totally the name of your next girlfriend. ;D

It's all in the mind - you believe it because you don't know it's pulled from your subconscious.

Ok, but what if we later learn the answer is wrong?
5,552 posts

Ok, but what if we later learn the answer is wrong?

Then you were wrong and that pretty much proves that there's no supernatural influence going on. You'd think demons would know their world geography.

Lol. I'll go with that for a minute here. If there are no supernatural beings, then we're just randomly flailing our hands around a piece of wood to produce gibberish. Because "afhsjkethu" is totally the name of your next girlfriend. ;D

I doubt you'd end up with that. You'd probably just stall on a letter and go with it, and then link another letter, and another one, so you might get Talnisha which isn't gibberish, but isn't an actual city (As far as I know anyways).
5,365 posts

I guess that's the Ouija Board's fault, because OF COURSE you didn't guess yourself.

Ah, so still, what's the point in the board, then?

Then you were wrong and that pretty much proves that there's no supernatural influence going on. You'd think demons would know their world geography.

Oh, I know that. I was going with the no-supernatural-influence idea. I believe in them, so according to me, at least some answers will be right. Fun fact: The capitals of Assyria were Assur, Nineveh, Caleh, and Dur Sharrukin.

I doubt you'd end up with that. You'd probably just stall on a letter and go with it, and then link another letter, and another one, so you might get Talnisha which isn't gibberish, but isn't an actual city (As far as I know anyways).

Right, of course the subconscious would form something reasonable. Fun fact: Talnisha is a female name.
5,552 posts

Ah, so still, what's the point in the board, then?

Entertainment mostly I'd guess. Does it really need a purpose? What's the purpose of Monopoly, to learn business skills?
819 posts

Well my first and only experience was basically me fooling my friends with it and then supposedly allowing evil spirits int my soul. Not sure how that was supposed to work but if they want to believe it they can.

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