ForumsThe TavernOuija Board

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819 posts

Now for those of you who do not know how to say this, it's the board that "allows" you to "talk" to "spirits". Obviously I'm not a believer myself but I am going to be using one tomorrow because I do not believe and my friends are petrified of the board.
So if you do believe have you ever used one? If so what's your story? Also does anyone know where we can buy one? We tried looking at Wal-mart but no such luck...

  • 54 Replies
1,810 posts

People just use these things because....i don't really know. They can't have that much entertainment value can they? I mean, all you are doing is "summoning" demons. wow, so much fun. -_-

9,438 posts

They can't have that much entertainment value can they?

It's about as much entertainment as you get from a fortune cookie (minus the cookie...). You put the power into it by looking for something related to what it says. If a fortune cookie says "You will gain some wealth in the coming days" and you find a nickel while digging around in your couch cussions trying to find the remote, you would attribute that "ganined wealth" to the fortune.
5,552 posts

....i don't really know. They can't have that much entertainment value can they? I mean, all you are doing is "summoning" demons. wow, so much fun. -_-

I've had fun doing things that you wouldn't normally think of as fun. It's fun because you can pretend and make fun of it and just goof off. I doubt many people -really- believe they're summoning demons.
27 posts

did you watched paranormal activity? according to the movie you could incite the evil spirits against yourself..

1 posts

Better donn't &quotlay" with this, it may be funny but my friend used it one time. Now he is acting like idiot talking about some kind of noises in his house. I think that he just scared, nothing else. But You can hawe some psychic problems after playing with that kind of games :>

5,552 posts

But You can hawe some psychic problems after playing with that kind of games :>

No, you can't.

according to the movie you could incite the evil spirits against yourself..

Movies are movies. According to Harry Potter, if you say "Voldemort" he can find you. Just because it's in a movie doesn't make it any more real.
9,438 posts

But You can hawe some psychic problems after playing with that kind of games :>

That's like saying playing Monopoly will make you insanely greedy, or playing Chess will make you want to dismantle a foreign government by assassinating their leader.
1,388 posts

I'm going to go with Legion. Ouija Boards are dangerous.
I knew of a man who used one constantly and was eventually
possessed by a demon.
My father knew about this woman, a christian, whose son had
been deployed overseas. She received intelligence that he had
been killed in combat. Overcome with grief and longing to speak
with him, she went to a Medium who called up her son as a spirit.
She was then happy and conversed with him every Friday.
Now, understand the Mediums supposedly can only recall those who
are dead.
Anyways, she lived like that for some time. She was no longer sad
since she saw her son every Friday.
And then, he came home. She asked him what he was doing there since
she said, she didn't see him until Friday. She explained everything to him. He said 'Mom, I'm not dead.' She became afraid. Who had she been speaking to? She ended up with a serious nervous breakdown and had to be institutionalized.
Those are both true stories. Those are just two examples of how dangerous 'channeling' can be whether it be via Ouija board or Medium.

5,365 posts

Marketing, mostly. People don't know this stuff, so they figure it's all spiritual and unknown, stuffs like that.

Lol, I get it from the business perspective. People have used superstition for profit throughout history.

It's about as much entertainment as you get from a fortune cookie (minus the cookie...). You put the power into it by looking for something related to what it says. If a fortune cookie says "You will gain some wealth in the coming days" and you find a nickel while digging around in your couch cussions trying to find the remote, you would attribute that "ganined wealth" to the fortune.

So basically, it's nothing more than a horoscope or a fortune cookie...

But You can hawe some psychic problems after playing with that kind of games :>

Could we have an example situation?

Movies are movies. According to Harry Potter, if you say "Voldemort" he can find you. Just because it's in a movie doesn't make it any more real.

Well, if you go along with the typical idea of "spirits", there have been... perhaps hundreds of spells to summon them in the past; some cases have been accidental.

...I have to say, murasaki, you've come up with one of the best examples I've heard of. Something like that could really cause a massive amount of mental stress. By the way, do you know if that man was ever cured of his possession?
5,552 posts

I knew of a man who used one constantly and was eventually
possessed by a demon.

Any news paper things to go with this, video of the guy, etc? Or are you just claiming this.

My father knew about this woman, a christian, whose son had
been deployed overseas. She received intelligence that he had
been killed in combat. Overcome with grief and longing to speak
with him, she went to a Medium who called up her son as a spirit.
She was then happy and conversed with him every Friday.
Now, understand the Mediums supposedly can only recall those who
are dead.
Anyways, she lived like that for some time. She was no longer sad
since she saw her son every Friday.
And then, he came home. She asked him what he was doing there since
she said, she didn't see him until Friday. She explained everything to him. He said 'Mom, I'm not dead.' She became afraid. Who had she been speaking to? She ended up with a serious nervous breakdown and had to be institutionalized.

So obviously the medium was a hack and was just making things up and her son wasn't really dead, proving that she wasn't talking to any spirits.
1,388 posts

Any news paper things to go with this, video of the guy, etc? Or are you just claiming this.

No, this isn't a claim. Here's the link: [url=]
You don't have to believe me but don't call my dad a liar. And the Medium wasn't a hack. Just because you don't think spirits are real doesn't mean that the woman didn't speak to one. The entire time she was speaking to a demon. None of these people ever speak to their dead or alive relations. They always speak with demons.
207 posts

lol,walmart didnt have any.Anyways,i believe in the ouija board and how it can be dangerous but ive also heaard that what your talking on that board isnt a was like your concious or something.

776 posts

2,226 posts

They don't sell Ouija boards in stores anymore because of what they have supposedly done (at least not at most stores). Try looking online, I'm sure some people will try to get rid of them.

1 posts

This is something I've experienced as a child I used to play with a Ouija board. I used to talk to a man named Gorf (frog spelled backwards). But this girl about 19 years old in my trailer park said a spirit was messing with her at night. This sounds crazy but she came to me and asked me to help her. I didn't really know what to do so I just took my Ouija board over and talked to Gorf. He mentioned a jewelry box and pointed to a charm on the corner of the board. The woman checked her jewelry box and she had the exact same symbol on her necklace. She got the charm out of the box. The board said to get rid of it . After that I got rid of my Ouija board. I haven't played with one since.

Don't play with a Ouija Board! I'm telling you!

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