Aliens, aliens, aliens....strange little creatures. Could they exist? Why would they exist? What exactly is an alien, and to who is the alien? Are we the aliens in this world? Imagine the Earth WITH "aliens." Aliens are simply outsiders, or something different. Deer could be aliens, buffalo could be aliens, molecules could be aliens. They're all different, but they all have one thing in common: they aren't intellgent. And it is what it is. Not that they are stupid, just What if aliens visited Earth? What would you think of them. Even so, perhaps cats could be intelligent creatures. (makes me think of Thundercats, eh?)
Life with cats. Just think of it. A strange univers this would be. "Honey, you forgot to clean your litterbox!" It scars me a little, actually. Cats going to school, running for president, working, or perhaps typing this right now. Maybe to cats, WE'RE cats. Maybe they DON'T accept us, but because they aren't intelligent, they can't show, say, or act what they are trying to get to.
Now, the main point of this thread. Adapting aliens into our world would be an interesting....and distrubing experience. Many people thought of African Americans as "aliens" during segregation times. Maybe cute little green men would be aliens. Maybe at school, your best friend is an alien, or maybe at work, your co-worker is an alien. I would accept them, but it would take time. However, time is something the human race doesn't have. In a matter of time we won't be here anymore. However, only time will tell what shall happen.
Now, how would you react to aliens coming to Earth. Would you accept them?
Depends, are they hell bent on enslaving us and turning our planet into a hellhole? Then no, I would fight with every fiber of my being.
But if they're a race, who only seeks to exchange knowledge, then yes, I would have no problem accepting them. Although there might be some conflict depending on moral values, societal structure, governmental structure, etc.
If aliens came to earth I would expect them to be smarter then we are. Because we defintly don't have the means of getting to their planet, so they would probably have some advanced technology that enables them to make it to our planet. I would accept the aliens, but depending on how they act I might not. Aliens that aree snobby, want to rule us, look down on us, ect... I would have respect for. But if they are nice, regular people, then I see no reason not to accept them.
I might accept them if they promised to never ever injure/kill me. Also, I only want one piece of alien tech. But the chances are they would just wipe half of us out and enslave the rest soooooooo.....since most humans are doing that anyway guess we are ready for it. =P
What exactly is an alien, and to who is the alien?
A space (a needed word you left out of your post) alien would be defined as a living organism not from this planet, that definition isn't much up to debate.
Are we the aliens in this world?
According to the above definition, no.
And lastly, this is about all the animals you suggested could be aliens, their not. We have a fairly decent idea of which animals evolved from which, so if can link all the animals together from evolution, there can't be any that have just showed up.
Cats going to school, running for president, working, or perhaps typing this right now.
Lol, you actually made me laugh back there. Trust me, that's hard to do.
Of course, it depends on the alien. If they have good intentions, it would be one of the best days on my life. Think of it: We are able to share our world with advanced, rational life-forms. Think of the knowledge we could gain! However, if they were "evil", I would hope the world would launch a defense assault. who is the alien?
We are aliens to another. An alien is something that is foreign or unusual.
Really I can only see three possible reasons for any intelligent species to travel space.
1) To discover other intelligent life - If this is the case, I doubt they intend to kill it off when they find it.
2) To colonize new planets and harvest resources from them - In this case, it would depend if they are benevolent or not and whether they can effectively use Earth as their own planet (Able to breath the atmosphere, survive temperature, etc)
3) To just explore and catalogue the universe - Hostile intentions would be improbable for this too.
No peace talks attempted huh? I suppose Hollywood wins here.
there is a book called enders game where humans met a species of hiveminded aliens. they attacked us, but only because they thought we were like them as a hive mind. it didn't realize that each human was an individual which caused a war between the two species. after three different wars, humans eventually won, but only after they win did they realize that the aliens they fought were hive-minded, and didn't mean anything by killing some of our people (for they thought it would be no skin off our nose since we were hive minded).
long story short: their biostructure and culture could be very different from ours, which could mean anything from war, to the ultimate alliance.
there is a book called enders game where humans met a species of hiveminded aliens
Love that series
after three different wars, humans eventually won, but only after they win did they realize that the aliens they fought were hive-minded,
No, Ender and Rackham understood that they were a hivemind for sure, whilst other people had a guess but weren't sure. The problem was they had no way to communicate with them.