106 25548
88 posts

I have just watched the news and greece might be declaring war. you know what this means. France and Germany would go to war with italy and greece and it would be world war ll all over again. tell me you thoughts and opinions and feel free to express them

  • 106 Replies
323 posts

Most of muslim world

tbh islam as a religion is very widespread in the world, it's not just based in the middle east. you can find some asian countries to hold the religion too including Inida which is only 13% islamic. to say that the islamic would be the cause of WW3 is simply stereotyping after certain extremists of this religion warped the teaching's and beliefs of Islam to commit acts of terrorism. i know some islamic families that despise this acts and even one of them fled that very area of the middle east.

however i can understand in what your saying if you meant the terrorist's because there are many others that are just as bad such as Ireland's IRA however if you meant the religion and all its believers than i believe that you are held under a misconception
1,094 posts

BTW partydevil and nichomandus you two are always online don't you have work to do?

Nah, they have no life

tbh islam as a religion is very widespread in the world...

Yes, that is very correct, but not all the people who believe in Islam follow the rules of the Sharia law. Just sayin', it's a common misconception that it's like in Saudi Arabia anywhere where there is islam as a religion
1,826 posts

tbh islam as a religion is very widespread in the world, it's not just based in the middle east. you can find some asian countries to hold the religion too including Inida which is only 13% islamic. to say that the islamic would be the cause of WW3 is simply stereotyping after certain extremists of this religion warped the teaching's and beliefs of Islam to commit acts of terrorism. i know some islamic families that despise this acts and even one of them fled that very area of the middle east.

however i can understand in what your saying if you meant the terrorist's because there are many others that are just as bad such as Ireland's IRA however if you meant the religion and all its believers than i believe that you are held under a misconception

Dude I myself am am muslim and I know one thing for sure Whenever a drone attack kills someone innocent, my blood boils so does of many others.
What i'm trying to say is extremists have painted the face of west very horribly for common muslims and actions taken by west only backup their(extremists) story.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

BTW partydevil and nichomandus you two are always online don't you have work to do?

I'm having a holiday, so yes I have no work to do.

I did not say that its a fact its just my opinion based on things I see happening around me.

Which you should also explain to us.
1,826 posts

What i'm trying to say is extremists have painted the face of west very horribly for common muslims and actions taken by west only backup their(extremists) story

your answer nichmandus
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

your answer nichmandus

And so? It doesn't entail WW standards of conflict. Think about it rationally, I don't think the leaders of the Muslim world or the Western World will actually lead their nations into total war against each other. There will be conflict, but not on such a scale.

Also, I would appreciate if you spelt my name correctly. Nichodemus. Or Nicho. Or Nich.
323 posts

Dude I myself am am muslim and I know one thing for sure Whenever a drone attack kills someone innocent, my blood boils so does of many others.
What i'm trying to say is extremists have painted the face of west very horribly for common muslims and actions taken by west only backup their(extremists) story.

i apologise for what i have said. because it is text base i find it hard to read nothing but fact unless im talking to someone i know (another well known user or actual friend) once again i apologise for my misunderstanding. really thats how most things start isn't it, misunderstandings. thats why i try to explain my opinions before someone else reads differently from it like i just did. :S
1,826 posts

And so? It doesn't entail WW standards of conflict. Think about it rationally, I don't think the leaders of the Muslim world or the Western World will actually lead their nations into total war against each other. There will be conflict, but not on such a scale.

Sorry nich dude what does it mean BTW.Back to the topic.
Their is an old saying "Army of lions lead by jackal is worse than an army of jackals led by a lion."
I will rephrase it like this " An angry nation led by a cool minded person is will b more peace loving than an nation of pacifists led by a war mongrer."
Imagine if someone like osama bin ladin comes to power in muslim world or someone like terry jones comes in power in west.
Now muslims are bound by muslim brother hood (which made muslims from all over the world to fight USSR) and west have mutual defence treaties.
WW2 will b repeated except this time it might start with a nuke rather than ending on it and their might not b any reconstruction and stuff cuz not much will b left after it.
323 posts

WW2 will b repeated except this time it might start with a nuke rather than ending on it and their might not b any reconstruction and stuff cuz not much will b left after it.

if so possible fallout gaming franchise might give us an insight as to how the world survives afterwards
1,826 posts

if so possible fallout gaming franchise might give us an insight as to how the world survives afterwards

What they say about games?
ahh yes &quotlease don't try this at home."
26 posts

World War 3? Greece? Guys, what are you talking 'bout? I live in Greece, and no war will begin, at least from Greece!

10 posts

How did Greece get brought into a World War III?

785 posts

I cant believe this but WW3 has already started. Here's a link to some footage. God bless those soldiers.

1,826 posts

I cant believe this but WW3 has already started. Here's a link to some footage. God bless those soldiers

Dude COD is a game
U can kill 100 people in it wothout taking cober cuz their bullets only turn your screen red
now this does not happen in real world
in real world sound of firing a pistol is loud enough to make people crap their pants.
Ps I like COD alot cuz its fun killing people in a game
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Their is an old saying "Army of lions lead by jackal is worse than an army of jackals led by a lion."

Actually this is the old saying. ''Army of lions led by a donkey''. It came from the Crimean War and is not what you think it is. Unless of course your saying came from another language, because a search of the jackal one turns up this Forum as it's top post.

What the saying means is just that the top brass in effect sucks, whilst the rank and file are heroic fighters due to actual Crimean War experiences.

Now muslims are bound by muslim brother hood (which made muslims from all over the world to fight USSR) and west have mutual defence treaties.

I would really want to know where you get your sources. First off, there is no universal state level ''Muslim Brotherhood'' that binds each Muslim state in mutual defence treaties. I can give you clear cut cases where Muslim states will refuse to come to the defence of another. Turkey and Syria given regional rivalry. The Sunni world and Iran. Furthermore in the past there have been breaks between so called alliances, most notably when Egypt caved in and signed a peace treaty with Israel.

Secondly, if you meant this Muslim Brotherhood, many Muslim countries have taken steps to actually suppress it.

Shape up, back your arguments with facts, or whatever you say lacks total credibility.
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