Well, since this an intermission and a direct sequel, all of the status from before has fixed! But now we need to re-stabelize reality after Dark Super pretty much broke it. That, and refill our army.
Wow...almost forgot about this. Ryuu, revived by the 1-up, grows wings and flies up to fight Dark Super, with only a sword and spike shield. "DIIEEEEE"
... i also take out a sword and slash Garriss twice, then switch to a random shotgun and blast him twice, all in the same combo. (this is a reference to something)
*Wheezes from cold IRL* Ugh...Thanks for telling me about this on Kong, Gemini...*Hack* Vekel looks up at Dark Super and starts making Harmony-infused bullets for the riflemen and arrows for the archers. He then grabs an Anti-Air rifle and starts taking pot shots at DS with some of the Harmony bullets.
If anyone would REVIVE ME, I would kill you again... oh wait... we're both dead... sooo... YES! I CAN TORTURE HIS SPIRIT!
i haul tom onto a helicopter, crash the copter on a hotel's glass roof, get to tom, shoot him in the gut, punch him in the jaw a few times, strangle him with a piece of cable, hook th cable up to a part of the roof, then smash the roof and hang him. OK?
and tom, that thing is techically still me... yet not really... *sighs* i love how my darkness, my light, and my twilight is split at the moment, because it gives me a major head-ache trying to figure out who's who.
Vekel has an idea. He stops crafting Harmony-based ammunition and looks at sonic. "How's about we unsplit you then?" pricking sonic with a needle, Vekel uses the blood to backtrack sonic's energy signiture, then starts drawing it together in a crysyllis (Dunno how that's spelled), unsplitting Sonic back into his normal self. And hopefully destroying DS as well.