That wasn't just limited to myself. I do accept the Big Bang theory as the most valid explanation of how the universe developed.
If you accept it then why are you trying to argue, by saying things like? "Who said I believe this"
. The theory does not follow back as far as you seem to be wanting to take it in this discussion.
The length of time I'm talking about is when matter/energy created the universe.
Not time as we know it no. The universe was just a singularity. To better answer your question we have to get into a theory I'm not very familiar with called M theory. With this it proposes other hypotheses to where the singularity came from.
Idk about that, I think there was probably time, but people don't call it time because there was no way to record it and it probably differed from ours jumping forwards in years then backwards with no apparent diffirence.
First off saying it's evidence because a bunch of different people said the same thing is an appeal to popularity, a fallacy. Just because a number of people claim the same thing doesn't make it so
When so many people (millions upon millions) believe in something it must have a hint of truth in it at least. Or it's the best f___ing lie out there lol
The second problem here is the Bible is full of contradictions.
I thought you might say that lol, but perhaps you didn't read the whole bible or misconstrued some of it. Secondly such as?
No it doesn't, it only ceases to exist in the state that it was in.
Ok then if you incinerate something what becomes of it?
This again runs into the same problem as claiming an afterlife as you first have to presuppose God's existence in the first place
This again runs into the same problem as claiming an afterlife doesn't exist as you first have to presuppose there is no God (or gods) in the first place. Especially when no one knows how the universe first began, it's all theories. You said it yourself, we don't know how it did.
What? We have matter/energy all over the place as evidence of it's existence. It's not unreasonable to hypotheses that it existed in the past.
I said evidence that it created the universe. Sure we see it all around, but that doesn't mean it created the universe. You're right it's not an unreasonable
theory just like God isn't. For something couldn't have always just been here, something would've had to creare the matter/energy. But there's the same paradox with God. So we are left with the same conclusion of we don't know and probably never will.
Wishful thinking is rather meaningless to determining reality. So it doesn't matter if you hope there is one or not.
I'm not using wishful thinking to determine reality, just wishful thinking that there might be an afterlife.
It's done as a matter of survival of the species. As I said we are social animals, as such we have developed traits such as the ones mentioned that would compel use to do things that might not directly benefit our individual self but instead benefit the group.
Doesn't make sense though does it? Why care about the survival of your species if you could live awesomely during your life time and there's no afterlife to reprimand you (or as the Jehovah witnesses believe a resurrection).
I'm saying there is an equal amount of evidence that God, gods, or matter/energy created everyone. Does that clear it up?
See what I mean?
Well it's still a choice no?