ForumsWEPR[necro]Jehovah Witnesses

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This is something that I've learned today about (you guessed it) Jehovah witnesses.

-They do go door to door and leave pamphlets.

-God counts days differently than we do. For example one of God's days could be millions of years for us, so Jehovah witnesses can believe in dinosaurs and Adam & Eve with all of them being created in the first seven days (even though it isn't mentioned in the bible).

-I also learnt that Jehovah witnesses don't believe in an after life where people goto heaven or hell, but believe that they'll be resurrected on a paradise earth that God will make.

-God's real name is Jehovah like the Devil's name is Lucipher.

-They've memerised a very large portion of the bible and can flip to it pretty quickly when asked to.

-Jehovah witnesses are a branch of Christians (I thought they were Jewish lol)

Just as an fyi there were three questions that I've asked that they didn't answer very well;

1. Why doesn't God create this paradise earth for everyone now to get rid of all this cruelty and injustice on this earth?

2. Since God is allegedly all knowing and all powerful why did he create Eve knowing she'd eat that apple?

3. How could God have been here for all time without ever being created?

P.S. I learnt this because they came to my door today and as a fyi I believe there is a creator, but don't know which creator created everything. I believe this because I CAN'T believe that everything we see around us was created by a big hot dense universe just expanding (the Big Bang Theory I think) because how can a universe be created from nothing? Then again how could the first creator have been created from nothing?

As you can see I digress lol

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It is evidence, not subjective, the bible is a big history book, with prophicies already completed (and future predictions made).

What Kasic and Mage said. Also, you make a small yet important mistake. The bible is the explanation, the counterpart to scientific theories. With the only difference that there is no evidence supporting the assumption that everything in the bible is true, and the facts correctly mentioned in the bible, like some general historic facts, idk, aren't enough to make that assumption either. The bible in itself is not to be considered evidence.
Thus, if you believe that the bible is true, you can use the 'evidence' it mentions as subjective evidence for yourself and others who think similarly; but you cannot use it when talking with someone who doesn't assume that the bible is correct, because the basic assumption is made arbitrarily and by one side only. Which is why we're calling it subjective.
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