Monopoly? Scrabble? Boggle? Connect 4? Chess? Checkers? Chutes and Ladders? Candy Land? Sorry? Battleship? Operation? Something else? What's your favorite game and why? Any good memories from your childhood related to it?
One of my favourite non-video games is Monopoly. It's really addictive. I remember I played it a lot when I was younger. Uno, Trivial Pursuit and Twister are fun games to play with your family/friends.
Monopoly is kind of boring. It's the same thing repetitively, but it's a good time consumer. Chess is alright, I just don't have a concentration span for it, I tend to lose focus. And keep asking, 'Where did you move?' Draughts/Checkers is just simplicity, which is what I like, it's easy to play and easy to learn.