Monopoly? Scrabble? Boggle? Connect 4? Chess? Checkers? Chutes and Ladders? Candy Land? Sorry? Battleship? Operation? Something else? What's your favorite game and why? Any good memories from your childhood related to it?
I have many but my Favourite One's would be: Monopoly, Texas Holdem, Pictionary, Scattergories, Charades and Last but not least UNO. Those are some of my Favs.
I find this question hard to answer, as most games that I enjoy playing are not video games. As a matter of fact, out of all the types of games out there, I'd say I play video games the least often.
Unless you count PC games as video games, but I don't. So there.
Well, flash games are not video games! So I guess for me it all comes down to the "favorite flash game" thread in the appropriate forum!
But if you're talking about board games, my favorite has always been Sorry. Even though it's entirely luck-based, I win almost every time I play it! I love it because so satisfying to kick the other players off their squares and send them back home! =D