so do people think we evolved from billions of years ago, and became the most intelligent animal that has ever lived on this planet by chance, or that, an other theory, that we were put here but aliens as an experiment.
I read in a shortstory blobish aliens came to Earth in it's beginning stage, but the radiation in the Earth started mutating them into smaller protoplasmic beings and then they evolved from there.
wat? anyway, I would like to think we evolved, case if we were an experiment, doesn't that mean the aliens would be watching us now? Unless they died or went home, but eventually if they are still alive they're gonna come back...maybe
Have any of you guys have you seen the movie "The day the earth stood still"? Maybe that's gonna happen in the future... Although i believe in evolution.(I'm pretty sure they will have better costumes lol)
lol i definitly dont think aliens would travels millions of miles through space to go have sex with all our monkeys. if i had to pick between the alien theory or evolution definitly evolution. (but i belive we were all made by god!) =)
So you are actually neither one of the options if you think that some almighty being made people and/or animals. That is...creationism? I think so. I do not follow that side of the argument well enough to know the exact name.