ForumsWEPRVietnam War Opinions

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2,074 posts

Yes. Read that again. Vietnam War Opinions, not facts. So, post whatever thoughts you have about that war, e.g. whether you think it was worth it, etc. Also, keep in mind that you should justify your opinions if it is strongly biased.

I hope this isn't a dup!

  • 41 Replies
1,810 posts

It shouldn't have been fought. Period. America didn't need to be there and they shouldn't have been there. I know the reason was because of the containment policy, but Vietnam was a lost cause. There was no way that the Communist government in Viet was going to roll over for the USA. And the Soviet Union and China sending assistance didn't help. The loss of American soldiers was completely and utterly in vain.

2,074 posts

It shouldn't have been fought. Period. America didn't need to be there and they shouldn't have been there.

Yeah I agree too. After all, they were only there for stopping the spread of Communism. Other than that, they could have waited for another Capitalist country to respond.

Also, after watching this 7 part documentary, I really don't know why the United States started withdrawing when they knew that their enemies were approaching the capital. I mean, they could have just stayed there to fight. Or maybe if the NVA/VC invasion was stopped, then the war would have continued, making the U.S. citizens angrier.
1,810 posts

They started withdrawing because there was absolutely no way they could win. Imagine going up against Vietcongs who would die before seeing there country lost to US, Soviet supplied tanks and weapons, and Chinese tanks, weapons, and training. Not fun when you are already sucking at the war to begin with.

1,531 posts

It shouldn't have been fought. Period. America didn't need to be there and they shouldn't have been there.

The reason we were there was because prior to the communist takeover, Vietnam was a friendly nation, and they needed our help. Unfortunately, that help was strangled and cut off by foolhardy politicians who were trying to run everything from D.C.

In the words of one American general, "We won the battles but lost the war." We had the firepower, technology, and men to soundly defeat the enemy, but we were not allowed to use that power because the politicians thought that they could better command our forces with armchair quarterbacking as opposed to letting experienced generals and field commanders decide when, what and how to attack. Then-President Johnson said that "[they]... can't bomb an outhouse without my say-so." Many targets of high strategic value, including the enemy capitol and anti-aircraft defense systems, were placed off-limits to attack because of political pandering. Had the politicians just sat back and let the military fight the war the right way, we could have routed the enemy in less than a year.
26,390 posts

The reason we were there was because prior to the communist takeover, Vietnam was a friendly nation, and they needed our help. Unfortunately, that help was strangled and cut off by foolhardy politicians who were trying to run everything from D.C.

That's definitely wrong. Vietnam was not a friendly nation at all, it was a French colony. The French were trying to stamp out the Vietnamese culture and bend them to French will, but the natives finally got sick of it. Ho Chi Minh founded the Viet Minh(the organization that later became known as the Viet Cong), and they revolted against the French; let it be noted that they made several attempts at peaceful rebellion prior to this action. The French were getting their butts kicked, so they asked the United States to help, which we did. The United States paid for nearly 80% of France's military expenses in Vietnam, provided military equipment and aid, and they still lost! So the United States, worried that if Vietnam became communist it would trigger a domino effect and cause all of Asia to become communist(vastly inaccurate, although Cambodia and Laos did make the switch after the United States left Vietnam), stepped in and started fighting Vietnam. Cue one of the lengthiest and most expensive conflicts in American history.

In the words of one American general, "We won the battles but lost the war."

You're misinterpreting his words. The United States most definitely defeated North Vietnam in terms of the military; their casualties were far, far higher than ours, they never won a major battle(not that there was one in Vietnam), and they never really stood a chance to win, militaristically speaking. If wars were only about the military, then the United States won the Vietnam War. We lost in terms of politics: American morale was incredibly low, whereas Vietnamese morale was high. Many Americans did not think that the United States should be in the Vietnam War at all, and finally the United States government conceded to the wishes of the population and left.

We had the firepower, technology, and men to soundly defeat the enemy, but we were not allowed to use that power because the politicians thought that they could better command our forces with armchair quarterbacking as opposed to letting experienced generals and field commanders decide when, what and how to attack.

We did soundly defeat the enemy. But again, we lost the war on a political and socioeconomic front, not on a military one.

Then-President Johnson said that "[they]... can't bomb an outhouse without my say-so." Many targets of high strategic value, including the enemy capitol and anti-aircraft defense systems, were placed off-limits to attack because of political pandering.

The United States still tried its very best to bomb the North Vietnamese into submission. Millions of tons of bombs were dropped on Vietnamese locations such as the Ho Chi Minh Trail, but they rarely hit anything. The problem was not that the politicians weren't giving the generals free reign, it was that the Vietnam War was a conflict unlike any other the United States had ever faced in the past. Instead of being the underdog guerrillas(American Revolution), or duking it out against an evenly-matched opponent(the World Wars), American soldiers were forced to fight in a foreign land against guerrilla forces who attacked with pit traps and ambushes. On top of that many American soldiers didn't even want to be there.

Had the politicians just sat back and let the military fight the war the right way, we could have routed the enemy in less than a year.

We should have backed out of the war right after Dien Bien Phu, and never sent American troops in there at all. The United States was destined to fail in Vietnam right from the get-go.
You do have some truth in your words, though...President Kennedy(and Kennedy alone) did not trust his advisers in the CIA, after they led him to the Bay of Pigs disaster. He put all of his stock into his advisers in the military, and they were horribly wrong whereas the CIA turned out to be right.
26,390 posts

I would also like to add that the American-appointed leader of South Vietnam, Mr. Ngo Dinh Diem, was corrupt and violent. He oppressed the citizens under his rule, but he was supported by the United States. He was eventually overthrown by a military junta, which was then overthrown by another military junta(both equally corrupt). Even if the United States had won in Vietnam, we would not have made it democratic. Our politics in Vietnam were just as twisted as that of the North Vietnamese, and perhaps even more so.

1,826 posts

americans went in with a stupid reason of stopping communism.
they were aggressors and got what they deserved

2,074 posts

American morale was incredibly low, whereas Vietnamese morale was high. Many Americans did not think that the United States should be in the Vietnam War at all, and finally the United States government conceded to the wishes of the population and left.

I don't really know why the U.S. citizens at that time hated the war. I mean, unless you have a son or something fighting there, then why should you care? Not like the VC were going to invade the U.S. or anything.
2,074 posts

Also, is this AG amatar supposed to be a VC?

26,390 posts

I don't really know why the U.S. citizens at that time hated the war. I mean, unless you have a son or something fighting there, then why should you care? Not like the VC were going to invade the U.S. or anything.

That's exactly the point! The North Vietnamese were not a direct threat to the United States, and as such many citizens believed that American troops should not be fighting there. Basically, it's like why some Americans think that the United States should not be fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq right now. The difference between now and then is that, at the time, the United States was drafting soldiers to serve in the war; that means you were required to serve in the military, and you didn't have a choice whether you wanted to or not. That didn't sit right with a lot of the citizens, and thus, they started protesting until the government finally backed off. Plus, bands like The Beatles(ugh) and Creedence Clearwater Revival(slightly smaller ugh) popularized the hippie movement.
1,707 posts

americans went in with a stupid reason of stopping communism.
they were aggressors and got what they deserved

Some were drafted and they didn't deserve what they got, American soldiers who were drafted did not deserve what they got, the ones drafted unwillingly deserved to die? Suffer illnesses? Get tortured? How can you say that they deserved it?

The American president did this (and/or senate did).
26,390 posts

Also, is this AG amatar supposed to be a VC?

Now that you mention it, I can see a bit of a resemblance. But I doubt that AG would have a VC armatar. I think it's supposed to be some sort of French knight, but that's just me.
1,810 posts

americans went in with a stupid reason of stopping communism.
they were aggressors and got what they deserved

If memory serves, most wars, if not all, are started with an aggresor. War is war. They didn't get what they deserve but that is what war is. The vietnamese didn't all deserve to die and the pro-freedom Viets didn't deserve to get tortured and killed by their own people.

The American president did this (and/or senate did).

That would be the "and". The can't do one thing in war without the other, except in cases of extreme emergency.
755 posts

I like to remove the Vietnam War from my mind. So pointless and sad. Lots of life's wasted.

408 posts

Pointless, plain and simple

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