What does everyone think about these acts? Will it truly lead to the 'death of the internet' in America and set dangerous precedents for other countries/governments? Or are people just blowing it up out of proportion?
From all the news stories that I've read about it, it seems like these acts really could be disastrous (if they manage to pass), but I want to get other peoples' views/opinions on the subject.
Not to mention that ACTA isn't just regulations on the internet - it's regulating pretty much everything via copyright.
It would also raise taxes by a ton, most likely. The government would need a lot of workers to manage such a system, and they would probably want to get paid... Bleh.
imagine what would happen with everyone that copied clothes or toys.
You would still have to pay for the material to make them... Besides, there aren't any (good) 3D copiers yet. Someday, maybe. But it doesn't seem harmful enough to take notice of.
Even with a 3D copier you are still paying fro base material to use to print with. Digital copies simply don't have such constraints to them.
no, i didnt meant copy toys with paper and a copier, i meant copying like imitating the original toy.
A 3D copier can create a three dimensional object out of what ever material you load into it. We are currently experimenting on creating viable organs in this way.
A 3D copier can create a three dimensional object out of what ever material you load into it. We are currently experimenting on creating viable organs in this way.
Wow that would be so great if we could make organs to help every person that needs a organ transplant.