What does everyone think about these acts? Will it truly lead to the 'death of the internet' in America and set dangerous precedents for other countries/governments? Or are people just blowing it up out of proportion?
From all the news stories that I've read about it, it seems like these acts really could be disastrous (if they manage to pass), but I want to get other peoples' views/opinions on the subject.
Be a HERO and Help STOP SOPA Now!! I'll tell you How! This Video that Must Be SHARED!
I'm glad you already posted this video. You saved me some work. : )
What do you think of what this guy is saying? Might work? I also find this bill even more disturbing with the part where he points out the British kid who the US is demanding to be expedited for linking to copy right infringing material. So this means the SOPA bill won't just effect those of us in America.
The only reason they were able to go after the British kid is because the US is on good terms with Britain. If it were a different nation whom didn't have strong ties to the US, this kind of behavior would heavily strain relations between the two.
I wish Viacom didn't have a monopoly over just about every single thing on TV.
The only reason they were able to go after the British kid is because the US is on good terms with Britain. If it were a different nation whom didn't have strong ties to the US, this kind of behavior would heavily strain relations between the two.
Then could it be safe to say it could at least have an impact on Britain?
Then could it be safe to say it could at least have an impact on Britain?
Most definitely. The fact the attack on the British student happened without SOPA is evidence that the government has too much power over other nations as it is.
if they want to control the internet why stopping with the internet? control everything: what people say, what people do, anything that they dont like as like art, t.v., games (i mean not only flash games)...they could start to control the live of everyone with a device. if you do or say something wrong you get punished. and then they say your free.
if they want to control the internet why stopping with the internet? control everything: what people say, what people do, anything that they dont like as like art, t.v., games (i mean not only flash games)...they could start to control the live of everyone with a device. if you do or say something wrong you get punished. and then they say your free.
Isn't that just a slippery slope argument that's fallacious? Be careful where you walk the tightrope my friend.
Man, this stuff is crazy. I just finished reading Little Brother and 1984, and both are sounding a lot like the conversation here. Maybe Doctorow and Orwell (respectively) were right when they wrote those books.
if they want to control the internet why stopping with the internet? control everything: what people say, what people do, anything that they dont like as like art, t.v., games (i mean not only flash games)...they could start to control the live of everyone with a device. if you do or say something wrong you get punished. and then they say your free.
^sarcasm. i wanted not to give them ideas, i said that if they want to control the internet, why would they stop with the internet? play this and you understand what i mean.