I was thinking about religion the other day and how in the bible it said something about god being all powerful creator of earth . Hypothetically speaking does that make god an alien due to the fact that it states somewhere in the bible that god is not of this world , and it seems to me that if the bible is 100% true hypothetically god could be considered an alien right? Plus another point to make even if its not very relevant is that the bible is considered to be a U.F.O. fanatics holy grail. I was wondering what other people would think about this.
Compared to nature itself God would have to be regarded as alien, since he is regarded as not being natural but supernatural. This leaves God dissimilar to anything natural. true but he also became fully human in the form of Jesus Christ.
if you think he is a physical being than he is considered an alien to us because he comes from a distance place outside of our world. If you believe in him as an idea, he could not be classified as an alien.
I was nattering with a friend of mine about something similar to this. He was talking about the chances that Noah's Ark actually happened as it stated in the Bible, and questioning whether people's interpretation of someone who came from the sky translated into them being a God.
He stated that to put all the animals of the earth onto the Ark would have been an impossibility simply because of the food chain argument (fox eats mouse, tiger eats fox, crocodile eats tiger, that sort of thing) but his argument was that if the Ark was a container for DNA samples, every species known to man at that time (perhaps more) could have been collected and transported up, up and away by a ship-like craft.
Primitive cultures would have to record what they could understand, and if you explained back then that you were going to put every animal onto a ship, they would naturally presume you meant physically transporting animals on a sea-faring vessel.
There are many other instances he was discussing about how the Bible could be interpreting tales from folklore about actual events that happened, but the people around at the time couldn't possibly understand.
The thing about that is that you could literally put any interpretation of it on that way. Believe time travelers visit us? Then "The Ark" was a time machine that took them to the end of the flood, physically. Believe in witches? Then the ark was a magical boat made of witches.
True enough, it can be interpreted in any way the reader wants.
And of course the Bible is a book about a particular God and there were many more in different cultures, many of whom mention beings flying off into the sky or performing miraculous deeds.
And of course the Bible is a book about a particular God and there were many more in different cultures, many of whom mention beings flying off into the sky or performing miraculous deeds.
Since of coarse "Flying" is such a bizarre idea that no animal on earth has never accomplished... Especially not birds.... That would seem magical at the time, where would you have your people come from?
By this logic, the amount of mythical creatures coming from the ocean (Ex Aphrodite, Mermaids, etc) would prove the existence of a high tech Atlantic society.
But really, the Greeks, who lived on islands and sailed a ton, had a ton of myths and legends involving the ocean. So lets say you are a farmer, your livelihood depends on the weather. Where does rain, snow, thunder, and other meteorological activity come from? The sky. The farmer's life depended on the land and the sky. But of course they can look at the land, they sky was a mystery, a place they couldn't explore, so it seemed fitting to put their god's there.
I should have clarified 'humanoid beings' rather than just 'beings' shouldn't I?
Whose to say there wasn't a high tech society that was wiped out though? Or left? Isn't that what this discussion is about?
Maybe farmers, or anyone else for that matter, might interpret the changes in weather or natural occurrences as the work of Gods, but equally maybe we had 'visitors' and they were seen as Gods. I'm not arguing for or against, just mentioning a conversation I had with someone recently. Either could be true or false for all I know.
Which is why I added 'or left' because I kind of figured someone would want to be picky.
So left, leaving no information to any of the humans, no artifacts at all? It would be like you moving, tearing down your house, and replacing it to make it look like you where never there, with nothing but the vague sayings of your neighbors to go off of. Why would they do that?
God dwells in Heaven. (Personally, I believe it is in a parallel dimension.) Therefore, God is technically alien to everything outside of Heaven. By going with the dictionary definition, of course.