ForumsWEPRIs god an alien?

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I was thinking about religion the other day and how in the bible it said something about god being all powerful creator of earth . Hypothetically speaking does that make god an alien due to the fact that it states somewhere in the bible that god is not of this world , and it seems to me that if the bible is 100% true hypothetically god could be considered an alien right? Plus another point to make even if its not very relevant is that the bible is considered to be a U.F.O. fanatics holy grail.
I was wondering what other people would think about this.

  • 47 Replies
5,365 posts

There in is the problem with your argument, your just accepting a claim even though there is nothing to back that claim up. Since you admittedly say there is nothing to support this claim your making then how is it not just being all made up?

We can't prove it any way. I admit this.

And what is your religion specifically? I assume some sort of Christian branch as that's what you mentioned.

I am a Seventh-Day Adventist. My aforementioned prophetess is Ellen G. White.

It doesn't make any strong specific testable claims. Long dead person coming back from the grave, mystical prophecies that can be interpreted 10,000 different ways, magical happenings such as the ten commandments, etc. Whatever IS a specific claim (Such as Noah's Flood, creation of man/women, creation of earth, etc) is claimed to be a metaphor in defense of it by people who accept that evolution/archaeology is correct.

For metaphors of the flood and creation, I call BS. There's nothing in 'em to suggest they're prophecies or parables.
5,552 posts

For metaphors of the flood and creation, I call BS. There's nothing in 'em to suggest they're prophecies or parables.

Well, if you don't take them as metaphors, then there is strong evidence against the claims of Abrahamic religions from the Old Testament. The Big Bang Theory, the Theory of Evolution, and our knowledge of Geology all indicate that Noah's Flood did not occur and could not have occurred due to resultant speciation after that time as well as there being no evidence that a global flood happened as well as there not being enough water on the earth to do so. Our knowledge of planetary/galactic formations is clashing with claims of an near-instantaneous creation also.

In other words, if you claim that those specific examples are not metaphors, you're placing a claim on a 90 degree sheer cliff of ice. It falls so hard you cringe when it hits the bottom.
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