ForumsThe TavernWhat is the weirdest that has happened to you?

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93 posts

I don't have many creepy things happen to me so this might not be as good as most of your stories. Here it is: Back when I was in 5th grade, the power went out and it was raining hard. Since school nowadays relies a lot on technology, me and my class pretty much couldn't do our assignment. We were pretty happy about that, but as we started celebrating the principal came in our room and said we were having a lockdown because there was a dangerous person on campus. None of us got hurt, but it was pretty creep at my age back then. Nao how about u?

  • 33 Replies
5,340 posts

my life is filled with weird things now...:/

let us begin:

in the middle of the class a girl idk came in and said: "(my name), you got 2nd place in the cutest (teddy bear cute.... not hot cute... ) person contest" and left

there is a class that recieves bagets (spelled wrong?) in the end of the day and one of the students there came to our class and wanted to give 2 bagets. my friend wanted one of them and then he noticed there are vegetable inside it (not sure what his problem is) so he gave it to me. i opened the package and it had my name on it... 0.0

at my working place, a person called me and asked me to cancel his doctor appointment because he doesnt feel well...:/

at my working place, after doing a sight test to a costumer (he was muslims and only spoke arab, luckily i know numbers in arabic). after we finished he put his hand on my forehead, gazed at the ceiling, started blessing me and kissed my forehead.

at my working place, 2 customers decided to complain about me because THE DOCTOR didnt wait for them.

i let a lady idk drive me to my working place (she knew my name so i thought it was fine XP)

the other workers at my working place think i am a com genious because i showed them the wonders of control+alt+delete.

id continue but i dont want to crash too many minds XP

5,952 posts

wow, were do u work? :P

boy thats hard to beat but leme try...

took a shot at a basketball hoop and hit the rim and the backboard shattered

two huge stray dogs terorized my school

girl screamed in my face after bumping into me

kid randomly starts screaming &quotossum"

and thats all i got so far

2,739 posts

somtimes killersup hears things when he is alone....voices.

1,621 posts

not to many i can think of but..probably when i started the school year this time and someone ran up to me saying "PIKACHU I CHOOSE YOU"

13 posts

Lol, have to love the pokemon references.

I was out with some female friends of mine at a Gentleman's club in Alabama. If you hae ever been to any of these establishments in Al, dont bother going again. Well, after I had spent roughly 3 hrs there with my girlfriend at the time, her female posse, and a male friend I know we were headed out to go home. Some guy sees me with 2 girls on my arms, and a few of the performers giving me pecks on the cheek and calling me by name to say bye. He looks at me, yells my name and says," Your a wonder of the world man, a wonder of the world!" Never even knew the guy.

I'm a soldier for the U.S Army. One of the things I find odd is that the world is such a big place yet you always run into people you haven't seen in years from your last duty station...Or their clones. A man ran up to me and gave me a bear hug, while yelling," OMG Hernandez how have you been man!" I had to tell the soldier to gtfo of me, and he had the wrong guy. He muttered his apologies and told me I looked just like him.

187 posts

The weirdest thing that happened to me is when i was in 6th grade and i got asked out.It was weird because there is only 1 couple in our class and hes like this "Jen will u go out with me?" I'm like what??? he all like will u go out with me. i said no because it was a dare and all my friends were like whoa Jen...Robbie has the hots for u.

60 posts

3,152 posts

One time, my Dad and I were driving home (at night) and we stopped at a red light. After we sat there for a minute, some random lady walked across the intersection (pretty amazing that she didn't even get hit) and came up to my window, and started screaming that we were supposed to pick her up 2 hours before. Then the light turned green and my dad sped off leaving her in the middle of the road.

Another time, I was locking up my bike at the library, and some guy came out and said "George Bush is the President" then he got in his car and left.

I have a few other stories, but I don't want to give all my top secret stories away.

1,606 posts

Once I was in Poland visiting and I was on the bus bored and then the bus stops at a red light for some time and when we were stopped a guy was walkig down the street that looked JUST like Fredy from the elm street movies. I think he might've been a street performer though.

Another time I got a hundred on a test and then I gave it to my prarents feeling all proud and they spotted a mistake in the paper and made me give it back to her to correct it and it turns out I screwed up on the whole test and I came back with a 0.

There is also a weird map I have in minecraft that I swear has some unintentionaly instaled mod on it cause I will randomly hear the music that plays when you are near a dungeon and when I look around there is always a human npc from the kingdom's mod just comming into my veiw. Also on that map I always have creepers spawning in this one specific block even though I have it fully lit.

Tehn I once had a time when I was walking home from school and a random guy approaches me with his girl friend and tells me something (I couldn't understand him, looked like they were high) and then smiled and walked away.

Recently I had a time when I was walking home from school and there was a guy who looked kinda poor from his clothes and had a bottle wrapped in a paper bag (probably alcohol) and he had his eyes closed and yet he walked perfectly straight.

Then there was another recent event (about a week before the drunk man) where I was walking home from school and I just cross a intersection when a car crash happens about a foot behind me, then I try to act cool and keep walking but curiosity gave in and I stood there laughing at how close that was.

Then recently I had someone screaming my name when I was walking home from school but I couldn't find them so I gave up and kept on walking.

610 posts

Weirdest thing that happened to me. i once had a dream about minecraft, and in the dream when i reloaded my save and walked outside, i would let a creeper into my house who would blow me up and destroy my diamond tools in the explosion. i loaded my save and walked outside, i creeper blew me up and destroyed all my diamond tools.

585 posts

Having dreams that I fall of something but when I hit the ground it feels like a fall on my bed. That is weird.

21 posts

Well...I was at Space Academy about about 3 years ago and some random girl that i never spoke to wrote a poem about me that said that my eyes were yummy. She gave me her phone number. It quickly met the trash can...

143 posts

Thankyou all, I had fun reading these.

Here are mine:

A few years back I was at a park with some friends. We were all sitting down and just talking and suddenly some guy walked through a bush and asked "Do you guys have beer?". We all stared at him for a couple of seconds and then someone replied "nope". The guy said "oh" and turned around and walked through the same bush again.

Another weird incident happened after I had been at Wu-Tang Clan's gig with a friend. We were walking to the train station and some guy who seemed quite intoxicated asked wheter we had been at the gig. I don't understand how he had guessed because we didn't have Wu-Tang shirts on or anything. We answered "yes". He then proceeded to repeatedly shout "Do you really?". We just laughed with him and continued walking.

Another time when I was going to a record store with the aforementioned friend an old guy who was walking the other way said "rascals" and started to laugh.

So I definitely have had my share of strange guys randomly saying something crazy.

1,606 posts

We answered "yes". He then proceeded to repeatedly shout "Do you really?". We just laughed with him and continued walking.

I have always found the best solution when adressing drunk people is just to laugh with them so they won't flip out at you.

You reminded me of another weird thing that happened to me where I was at a club and a guy was there who was drunk and latched on to me and started telling me all of his 'grand' ideas.
896 posts

Weirdest thing that ever happened to me...was probably when I woke up from sleeping, and I had a brief moment of amnesia. I had no clue where I was or who I was or what I was doing there.

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