ForumsThe TavernWhat is the weirdest that has happened to you?

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93 posts

I don't have many creepy things happen to me so this might not be as good as most of your stories. Here it is: Back when I was in 5th grade, the power went out and it was raining hard. Since school nowadays relies a lot on technology, me and my class pretty much couldn't do our assignment. We were pretty happy about that, but as we started celebrating the principal came in our room and said we were having a lockdown because there was a dangerous person on campus. None of us got hurt, but it was pretty creep at my age back then. Nao how about u?

  • 33 Replies
23 posts

ONe time I had a dream That I would get a basketball goal, the next day I got a basketball goal.

whats funny here is that you can get a goal in basketball....

one time i got eaten alive by a manbearpig, but im ok now.
ok really though a weird thing... well their was this one kid who was spinning around aimlessly in the hallway. thats pretty strange
572 posts

there was once this guy who walked up to our car saying:

Hey umm, can u lown me some money, my car broke down and my daugter ditched me, (lol) that guy over there loaned me 40 bucks, can u give me some?

and my dads like sorry, i dont have any spare change. and drives away.

the thing is, we had like seven 5 dollar bills. he probally didnt want to give away some money
223 posts

the weirdest thing that has happend to me was probably freshmen or sophmore year i can't remember..i think freshmen but whatever..and the hottest and most popular girl in school was dared to kiss me in the library. She did, and all of her friends were watching and it was kind of embarresing because i knew the person who dared was thinking ( kiss the ugly kid ). But its WEIRD because she actually did it. Thank God I aged well haha i don't have that problem anymore.

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