Haven't been around for a while, but I don't think it has come up. What is your opinion of the video and situation? I for one think it is just proof that some people actively pursue reverse discrimination (b/c apparently discrimination is white --> other ethic group hatred) and cry wolf every time they think they can get some airtime/moneys. They say it is insensitive and rude to do something like that after games...? People have done stuff like that at rivalry/regular games since the dawn of sports. Get over it and quit trying to make things seem racist so you can get in the news.
I guess as soon as they see that the trollface.jpg is white they'll say it's turbo racism?
That's ludicrous. For crying out loud, bro is a racist word, really? Things like these just undermine the work and effort that goes into eradicating real racism.
Anyways, sure mocking the losing team is bad taste, however its only bad sportsmanship.
For crying out loud, bro is a racist word, really?
I know! I have been calling my white brother "bro" but all this time I have really been pointing out hundreds of years of persecution and slavery of black people...
Even if it wasn't an internet meme, the phrase isn't racist.
People push the racist button as soon as anyone points out something black people are known to do, such as say certain words or wear certain clothes. We need to stop stapling the word racist onto every single observation, less we decide it's also racist to make fun of emos, punks, preps, etc.
Ghetto is just another group. To make fun of ghetto people is not racist. To state that all blacks come from the ghetto, on the other hand, would be racist.
I just hate the racist button, it's abused too much.
i thought the N word was a a bad word. and bro stands for brother (brothu)
why are they so short fused when it comes to words. --.--' calling evrything racit untill all whit people have to deny, watch away and walk away from black people or els it's racit.
Racism isn't really all that common in the U.S anymore, if someone is racist they are a very small minority.
There's a larger form of "reverse-racism" though, in that minorities now get things that the majority does not, such as finnancial aid for colleges. In fact I think there's a college that only admits african american students, how is that not racism? If any college said, "Only white students" they would go to court withen the hour.
Minorities can call racism on everyone else, but if a white person so much as disagrees with a minority it's "because they are black" or something similar to that. I can't tell you how many times during Obama's campaign I heard students saying, "If you vote for McCain you're a racist."
there are even those who do that just so other will think they are better people. happens alot.
i remember that a woman at my working place started shouting because "your letting that girl wait because she is muslim". but she totally ignored the fact that it wasnt her turn...
if that is really how things should work then thinking white shoes look better then black shoes is racist as well. people should start look at life with their actual eyes. to see that racism makes no sense OR to stop thinking that everybody else but you is racist.
Sorry to double post, but I was just offering some perspective with the links in my last post. I wasn't debating a point or anything (obviously) because it's impossible to even affect peoples' opinions with things like that.
Does anyone agree with me in saying that the anti-racism people are the only ones being racist here? Somebody says the word "bro" and suddenly the "anti-racist" people jump to say that "bro = racial slur", even though that was definitely not the intent of the speaker. It's absolutely ridiculous.
Does anyone agree with me in saying that the anti-racism people are the only ones being racist here?
Definitly. It's also so hypocritcal that some of those people are only against the inequalies put on their race. It's like how some feminist are only against the inequality of women. You need to be compleatly fair, and here they're obviously not being fair. They think the whole world is against them. If most of the players were a white team that lost, and the sign said, "You mad dude?" would they still be upset?
What? Can you elaborate on how that's racism? I definitely agree that the claims are ridiculous, but I don't follow you in saying that they're racist. I don't think it's racist, it's just people taking everything too literally and seriously. It might be racist if all the people of one race were calling everyone else racist, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
Black people are being racist against black people here, it's rather ironic. It's like saying that black people(or African Americans if you want to get technical) have an exclusive on ghetto slang. It's counterproductive, as well-intentioned as it is. I'll use an example. Let's say that the opposing team wrote "U SUCK" on their banners, and the NAACP declared that they were being racist. That implies that black people suck. Or if they wrote "AIDS = U" on their banner, and the LGBT declared that they were being homophobic. That implies that homosexuals are somehow more connected to AIDS than the other sexualities. Do you get what I'm saying here?
hmm...once again the pettiness and stupidity of humanity has come into question, and I am here to evaluate.
1."U MAD BRO?":since that phrase was started on the internet, where race doesn't exist, this means the people who cried fowl are just being sore losers because they lost, and are trying to have their vengeance by trying to expel some of the rival team's students.
2.Bro=racist?: If that is the case, I have said a racist comment at least 2000 times back durring middle school. if it was racist, I would've already be using an iron lung because of all the reverse racists beating me repeatedly. since it isn't, then the people who cried racist, are like the trolls here who say "U MAD BRO?" they are like the trolls we all know and hate.
3.reverse racists: this is a rather unintended bi-product of what people like Dr. King and Ghandi were trying to accomplish. In a way, they are the very racists that such civil rights people have been fighting to eradicate for decades. it also strikes me as hypocritical, for in the age where whites have become more racial friendly than ever, the minority races have decided that they missed how things used to be and started calling racist whenever something isn't the way they want it. it's like the spoiled brat who whines when daddy doesn't get them the pony they wanted. there is no reason for such stupidity, and I'm sure any person who has at least some bit of rationality would agree.
4.(on a lighter note)the guy's last name was coffee?: that struck me as odd, and rather hilarious. what's his kid's name, roasted?