Calling all knights! We need your help! Make sure to watch and comment on this commercial to help ArmorGames make it to the Super Bowl! Wouldn't it be awesome to see one of your favorite gaming sites feature a commercial on the Super Bowl? The answer is yes! Thanks for all of the support!
Now I feel like a hypocrite. I told someone the AG commercial idea was stupid and won't happen.
I was wrong.
In dramatic letters: In a land of great adventures...
Next slide: Comes one brave...
*Sushi Cat appears*: Meow
*gameplay of Sushi Cat, CTC, Shell Shock Live, and Kingdom Rush appear in each corner, with the AG logo in the middle* Announcer: Blah blah blah blah....
That music drives me crazy. I think I will have that stuck in my head all super bowl. =P
A commercial during the super bowl would be really cool and would be nice advertising. But I do think that AG3 would be out of the question because it's so far away. A general ad for the site would be great.
So instead of one of Dan's friends directing a commercial for the Super Bowl, Armor Games will be featured directly? That's sheer awesomesauce right there! We're moving on up in the world.
On that note, the page stops when download gets to 100% I'll try tomorrow at school.
I like the idea of the commercial. It will boost page hits and game plays exponentialy. Maybe Armor Games catch slogun could be. " we win you lose".