This thread is just what the title says it is. It is all about Math. You can post math jokes(the jokes don't have to be good), math questions, what you like about Math, or even why you hate Math.
My math joke: Resistance is not futile. It is voltage divided by amps.
I'm almost positive you need more information to solve this. Sometimes math books are poorly written, and something relevant to the problem appears earlier in the book.
For instance, you could have x equal six, and then have the angle on the right be rather small. We need something like area, or one of the angles, or relations between the angles, or perimeter...
I can't find any way to solve it... I tried going through different properties of kites again but nothing came up on how I could solve the problem. Either I'm too dumb or there's some missing information.
Hey guys. I love math. I'm in Algebra II right now and I love it. Anyway, I'm requesting a really tough math problem! Please give me one that's not stupid as well, because I don't like stupidly impossible problems. But make it hard!
Er, maybe a better term would be a math puzzle, not a problem. Like, more of a complicated math semi-intuitive word problem-puzzle, not a problem. Sorry for the double-post.
I'm in Algebra II right now but I'm smart enough (I'm three years ahead in math...) to do harder puzzles as long as it doesn't use un-intuitive math that I haven't learned yet. Anyway... wow. Are there bandaids in the electronics classroom? :P