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425 posts

I think this is a growing issue, what do you all think??

  • 51 Replies
1,060 posts

Yet you post here lots?

146 posts

Yeah, all mine does is make me completely just shut down whenever I talk to someone in person.

I know, a friend of mine has it, I can't talk for more than five minutes without them zoning out than saying, "Wait, WHAT?" It's rather annoying.

I'm confused. Why would OCD do this? I mean I'm a super duper expert on it from that short period of time I watched a tv show about people with OCD.

I can understand there are many different forms it can take. But how does it make you "shut down" in conversation?

I was always under the impression it was merely a series of irrational compulsive habits people had :S
2,413 posts

I was always under the impression it was merely a series of irrational compulsive habits people had
Well, my series of irrational compulsive habits (which I don't seem to have much, but I have it anyway), somehow just... oh, I exaggerated a bit. I suck at talking to people for some reason, and they think it's because of my OCD.
146 posts

Well, my series of irrational compulsive habits (which I don't seem to have much, but I have it anyway), somehow just... oh, I exaggerated a bit. I suck at talking to people for some reason, and they think it's because of my OCD.

It's alright. I feel like "they" are always looking for some way of blaming something like being socially awkward (or whatever) on some kind of ailment.

Maybe you just aren't good at talking to people and it has nothing to do with your OCD :P I used to be like that xD

Well thanks for explaining yourself anyways :P
2,413 posts

Maybe you just aren't good at talking to people and it has nothing to do with your OCD
Yeah, I still have OCD and am socially awkward, so I have like 2 friends that are somewhat mad at me, so it sucks.
26,390 posts

Also, for the record...split personality disorder is the mental illness where you have multiple personalities. Schizophrenics are delusional, they hear voices in their heads. There's a difference.

5,552 posts

I still have OCD

If you don't mind me asking, what are your obsessive compulsions?

And also as Hypermnestra has said, Schizophrenia is not MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder). There have been less than 20 documented cases of MPD.
2,413 posts

If you don't mind me asking, what are your obsessive compulsions?
These are the few I remember. Stupid short term memory loss!

1) Have to read game manual from start to finish before playing a game. Like, I could know everything about it, but I still have to.

2) I can't start something in the middle. Not like, it's just annoying, I seriously CAN'T. I'd have to go back and watch the beginning or buy the first game.

Those are the few I remember. I'm sure I'll find more. Apparently, I'm still in the early stages of it, so not so many compulsions.
2,301 posts

Also, for the record...split personality disorder is the mental illness where you have multiple personalities. Schizophrenics are delusional, they hear voices in their heads. There's a difference.
Dissociative identity disorder is when you have multiple personalities. For the record. Not all schizophrenics suffer auditory hallucinations.

OCD is an anxiety disorder, dissociative identity disorder is a dissociative disorder, and schizophrenia encompasses a variety of schizophrenic disorders.

Mental illness is never funny.
Wrong! Mental illness, I admit, is difficult to make humorous, and it is often clumsily pulled off. Comedy movies about mental illness are almost always unfunny and insensitive. However, mental illness doesn't escape one of the most basic rules of humor: the more tragic something is, the funnier it is. Unfortunately, super tragic events or things are just tragic for a period of time after their occurrence before they become funny.

For example: Tiger Woods is funny, 9/11 is on the fence and the Holocaust still isn't funny. But oh man, the day it becomes funny is going to be a great day for humor. I could draw you a graph if you want.
207 posts

Is there a mental illness where a person just has to be even.Like a person scratches there left arm,and then they just have to scratch there other one.I do that a lot and im just curious

9,462 posts

Is there a mental illness where a person just has to be even.Like a person scratches there left arm,and then they just have to scratch there other one.I do that a lot and im just curious

Obsessive-compulsive disorders can do that.
10,816 posts

Sigh. I see despite this thread somewhat being re-railed after a horrific OP and first page, nobody has actually attempted to discuss schizophrenia. Most likely none of you know what schizophrenia actually is.

That's okay. I'm not sure I know what it is either, because as of currently it doesn't have a particularly concise definition. The easiest way to think of it is a disorder of cognition in which the way in which we process thoughts pertaining to reality is disrupted. Psychoses are manifestations of the characteristic disruptions, in the form of hallucinations, delusions and paranoias (among other things). Naturally if one finds it difficult to relate to reality, one will find it difficult to relate to most people, depending on circumstance (and genetics), joblessness, homelessness and social isolation often follows suit. You know those crazy guys wearing rags who accost you on the street asking for money with some crazy story that just doesn't seem true no matter how hard you suspend your disbelief? They often have some kind of schizophrenia, but you can't diagnose that just by looking at somebody. Last I checked, DSM criteria is such that it requires at least two episodes of acute psychoses to diagnose (at least for research purposes).

There, that oughta start you off.

3,371 posts

Right, so I find schizophrenia very intresting. I would like to study it, because it affects millions. I can't imagine having a false perception of reality. My entire life is based on my perception of reality being real. Feeling that my perception is twisted would probably drive me insane. I hope that people are aware of schizophrenia, and that if their kids have it, they take care of them. I mean, not all schizophrenics are compleatly dangerous. And if they do become too dangerous, then theres something you can work out. But kicking them out should not be an option.

3,826 posts

The easiest way to think of it is a disorder of cognition in which the way in which we process thoughts pertaining to reality is disrupted.

I like this definition - especially because it gets things philosophical.

There are studies being conducted that show some of the more fundamental 'difficulties' schizophrenics have is deciphering temporal order. In other words, they have a hard time telling causes and effects. Temporal has to do with time, by the way, so presumably their perception of time is altered in some way. Specifically, they have a hard time telling what events in the world they caused and which ones were caused by other things.

Here's where it gets cool.

Some psychologists have been able to somewhat mimic this temporal imbalance in regular people. Picture this: you're looking at a computer monitor and a red square will appear on the screen. You click the square, the screen flashes white, and a new square appears.
What happens is the flash starts off appearing maybe .25 seconds after you click. After a while of doing this, the researchers then make the flash appear just a few milliseconds after you click. The result is that the research participants fail to recognize that they are still 'causing' that flash of white to appear. In fact, they report that the flash appears before they click!!

The philosophical implications here are profound and numerous. But if they need to be spelled out, I can do that.
9,462 posts

WebMD has a page on schizophrenia that could be of use to this topic.

I can't imagine having a false perception of reality. My entire life is based on my perception of reality being real.

... Yeah I won't go there....

Mental illness is never funny.

On this note, we have many jokes.
"It is what you think and they are out to get you"
"Your just jealous the voices talk to me"
And so on...

Or simply tell the schizophrenic person you added something special to their drink.
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