ForumsThe Tavern{Necro}The (most) Annoying/Worst thing thats happens to you on AG

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1,391 posts

I decided to make this after something rather annyoing just happend to me on ArmorGames, and felt annoyed so I decided to see if anybody has had something worse happen to them. Basiclly all you is just put i.e:
The most annoying thing that has happend to me on ArmorGames was when a Spammer posted about 50 comments on my profile for AP
The worst thing that has happend to me on AG was all my AP removed for spamming

My one is:
The worst thing that has happend to me on AG happend about 5 minutes ago, I was making a Topic to help people with The Last Castle game, when just before I submit accidently hit something on my faverouite bar and lose all the hard work I put into it! Now I cba making another!

  • 34 Replies
13,657 posts

No, why would you do that, I assume you would be a lot more creative about what you would say about me anyway.

Anyway, this reminds me of another one, though I guess that might have been touched on in the first rant'o'mod:
Getting crap for doing my job.
Get threats and more crap for something the admins have done.
Not being able to get a straight answer out of the admins, even if it is a simple yes/no question, just because it is related to the mods and/or me and not some concerned users...

And any or all these things are not annoying to regular users, so I should probably stop ranting about them, since they are rare occurrences anyway. Well, mostly.
The "we need more mods/merits" thing seems to have gotten common by now.

240 posts

im playing a game and the screen moves and i accidentally close the game and lose all my info already done

5,952 posts

When I loss over 700 points randomly.... Twice

2,074 posts

When I write a game comment and the five comments below it say "Great game! 10/10." There's like 47 of those on the first page of Raze 2...

When I loss over 700 points randomly.... Twice

wtf really? I feel bad for you.
5,952 posts

Yup, ask around. I generally don't lie. I know it's not cauz the mods, they were confused about it too...

1,627 posts

Also, asking to get banned to see what being banned is like. Yeah, I'm just dumb sometimes.


I'm always annoyed how some people will just comment on a 50 page long thread without even reading any of the ongoing conversation.
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Getting crap for doing my job.
Get threats and more crap for something the admins have done.
Not being able to get a straight answer out of the admins, even if it is a simple yes/no question, just because it is related to the mods and/or me and not some concerned users...

And any or all these things are not annoying to regular users, so I should probably stop ranting about them, since they are rare occurrences anyway. Well, mostly.
The "we need more mods/merits" thing seems to have gotten common by now.

That's why we all love you for sticking to your volunteer work, despite being the grumpy guy with a bottle slumped over a horse as your drawings show.

When I write a game comment and the five comments below it say "Great game! 10/10." There's like 47 of those on the first page of Raze 2...

In that case, can I haz a merit too Cen? >:3 Pwease?

A little annoyed when people threaten your friends or harass them.
13,657 posts

That's why we all love you for sticking to your volunteer work, despite being the grumpy guy with a bottle slumped over a horse as your drawings show.

Well, the booze and spitting in Strop's hair is the only thing keeping me up.

In that case, can I haz a merit too Cen? >:3 Pwease?

Ttly. Frank is cleaning out too, I think, I just think he takes it from the other end. Cleaned from 188 pages down to 153, (with 20 pages lasting as proper comments and the pages from 188 to 153 being spam). One merit giving, not a fig given.

A little annoyed when people threaten your friends or harass them.

More annoying if someone ends up being a white knight. It's like they think they make it better by arguing and flaming with the person doing the harassment (and often the moderator who tries to dissolve the issue).
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

More annoying if someone ends up being a white knight. It's like they think they make it better by arguing and flaming with the person doing the harassment (and often the moderator who tries to dissolve the issue).

I think I did that once when I had a crush on Jess. Ah when the passions of youths overtakes one's mind in heady fumes....I think that's one of the only times people got annoyed how cheesy we sometimes were. Were.

Cleaned from 188 pages down to 153,

There are 188 pages for all games combined? Rather little.....

Well, the booze and spitting in Strop's hair is the only thing keeping me up.

Wonder why he puts up with you then. :3
13,657 posts

I can't imagine it was worse than the people attacking me for having talked to 201.
Seriously, that was all.

There are 188 pages for all games combined? Rather little.....

Oh, that's just Raze2, that has been out for, what 4 months?
And I think Frank got to it rather fiercely before I did.

Wonder why he puts up with you then. :3

I have his back, obviously.
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

I can't imagine it was worse than the people attacking me for having talked to 201.
Seriously, that was all.

Have never interacted with this semi-Legend AG troll. :P Must have been lucky. I had fun reading anti-mod comments on your wall, though that was sadistic in retrospect.

I have his back, obviously.

Literally and metaphorically.

I guess the worst thing that happened to me was when the Story Contest that I tried to nurture flopped and died when the flow of users to the AMW was reduced drastically. That, or finding out that Pazx was Pierce and not Mary. Lying git.
13,657 posts

Well, one thing was 201. It was alright. He was clueless and felt attacked by just getting looked at wrong, but then again he didn't seem to learn.
A whole other was his whiteknights that would harass (me) just for talking to him, even if what I tried to do was help 201. I talked to him, so if he didn't log on in proper time, obviously he had been banned and obviously I had done it.
Which in the same also spurred from 201 thinking that I was out to get him because I "banned him all the time". And then there was his alt/"friend" that decided to point out all mods were drugheads.

3,139 posts

The most annoying thing is probably when i talk to someone a lot on here and they do silly things and get banned and we lost contact.

The worst thing is probably the above.

Other annoying things include spammers and the people who take things way too seriously >_>

424 posts

When someone says "hi" to your profile even if you don't know him.

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

Other annoying things include spammers and the people who take things way too seriously >_>

One person in particular springs to mind....
Showing 16-30 of 34